Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica
Enero 30, 2020

Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2020. At this leading international trade event, Agrico will demonstrate its contribution to sustainable potato cultivation for the ‘Next Generation’. Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
Enero 23, 2020 to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.
Gowan acquires late blight, rhizoctonia protection agents from Bayer
Enero 17, 2020

Gowan acquires late blight, rhizoctonia protection agents from Bayer

Gowan Crop Protection Limited, an affiliate of Gowan Co. LLC., has entered into agreements with Bayer AG to acquire rights to the active ingredients fenamidone and pencycuron.
Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever
Enero 16, 2020

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever

Last December, Agrico held its annual central members' meeting. The annual figures 2018/2019 were discussed in this well-attended meeting.
Record-Breaking 2019 for Scotts Precision Manufacturing
Enero 14, 2020

Record-Breaking 2019 for Scotts Precision Manufacturing

One of Britain's leading designers and manufacturers of vegetable harvesting machinery has reported a record number of sales in 2019. Scotts Precision Manufacturing sold 70 Evolution separators last year, 20 more than its previous high.
In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug.
Enero 14, 2020

In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug

The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) estimates that 5% of the potato crop across the country remains in the ground. That said some farmers have a lot more acres remaining than others, depending on the weather they were greeted with in the past few months.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Enero 13, 2020

Concesión de una nueva patente estadounidense para el desarrollo de Semillas Híbridas de Auténtica Patata

Solynta anunció hoy la concesión de la patente estadounidense número 10.524.436 titulada 'Hybrid Potato Breeding'. La patente reivindica los métodos de Solynta para producir híbridos de patata que se propagan a partir de la auténtica semilla.
Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds
Enero 13, 2020

Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds

Entering a new era in potato storage: Belgapom has formulated its position on how to handle chlorpropham as of the 2020 harvest.
Gran demanda de patatas francesas por parte de España
Enero 13, 2020

Gran demanda de patatas francesas por parte de España

Antoine Geysels, director de Top’Pom detalla que es más difícil que de costumbre vender lotes de calidad media desde el principio de la campaña.
Luz verde para levantar la prohibición de plantar patata en siete concellos.
Enero 13, 2020

Luz verde para levantar la prohibición de plantar patata en siete concellos.

La Xunta de Galicia y el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación acordaron ayer el levantamiento de la prohibición de plantar patata en siete de los 14 concellos de las comarcas de Ferrol, Eume y Ortegal afectados por la polilla guatemalteca...
Analyst Insight: How tight does the GB potato market look?
Diciembre 23, 2019

Analyst Insight: How tight does the GB potato market look?

This autumn has been the wettest across England since 2000 and the fifth wettest on record. These conditions have hampered lifting across GB, with progress particularly slow in Yorkshire and the North of England.
QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth
Diciembre 20, 2019

Potato company QV Foods rebrands as AH Worth

AH Worth CEO Duncan Worth speaks to Ed Leahy about his company’s rebranding as it sheds its old name, QV Foods
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato-growing trial uncovers big savings
Diciembre 20, 2019

Potato-growing trial uncovers big savings

AHDB farm excellence network reveals how reducing nitrogen fertiliser can save time and money while still improving yield.
Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'
Diciembre 19, 2019

Francia: 'Nuestras tres variedades de patatas Lady Anna, Celtiane y Gwenniw ya cuentan con la etiqueta Demain la Terre'

A principios de este mes de diciembre, ya es posible consumir patatas con la certificación Demain la Terre. Pomliberty se unió a la asociación Demain la Terre como miembro en 2017.
El comité de patata de FEPEX elige como nuevo presidente a Alfonso Sáenz de Cámara que apuesta por revitalizar las relaciones entre todos los eslabones de la cadena de valorso-saenz-de-camara-que-apuesta-por
Diciembre 16, 2019

El comité de patata de FEPEX elige como nuevo presidente a Alfonso Sáenz de Cámara

El Comité de Patata de FEPEX se reunió, el 11 de diciembre, en Madrid, y eligió como nuevo presidente a Alfonso Sáenz de Cámara, que apuesta por el trabajo conjunto entre los distintos ámbitos de la producción y comercialización de la patata en España
Javier Meléndez: 'Queremos ofrecer patata fresca los 365 días del año'
Diciembre 16, 2019

Entrevista a Javier Meléndez: 'Queremos ofrecer patata fresca los 365 días del año'

Patatas Meléndez es una empresa líder en el sector español de la patata. Entrevista a Javier Meléndez, CEO de Patatas Meléndez.
Lower potato prices in Ukraine not enough to stop Russian imports
Diciembre 10, 2019

Lower potato prices in Ukraine not enough to stop Russian imports

Despite the fact that potato prices are declining in Ukraine, their reduction so far has not been sufficient to stop the huge flow of Russian imports.
New potato crop in Greece coming up shortly
Diciembre 10, 2019

New potato crop in Greece coming up shortly

The 2019 season for Greek potatoes was very good, but they are already getting ready for the new crop.


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