Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Potato Market Update 24th August.
Agosto 28, 2022

Ireland Potato Market Update August 24th

It is anticipated that consumption and retail sales should pick up from this week onwards with the return of schools after the summer break. With the hot weather and lack of rainfall, there are numerous reports that maincrop Rooster.
Grupo Intersur instala en Tordesillas su segundo hub productor de patata nueva.
Agosto 27, 2022

Grupo Intersur instala en Tordesillas su segundo hub productor de patata nueva

Grupo Intersur, la compañía referente en producción y comercialización de patata nueva en Europa, ha inaugurado sus instalaciones en la localidad vallisoletana de Tordesillas, donde localizará su segundo hub productor nacional de patata nueva en España.
Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the grower
Agosto 27, 2022

Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the potato grower

Much is expected from precision farming both inside and outside the potato sector. The term is often mentioned in the same breath as a sustainable future for potato cultivation. But precision farming is more than a future perspective.
Potato partners secure GBP 2 million (USD 2,3 million) investment funding to sustain the future of potato growing.
Agosto 26, 2022

Potato partners secure GBP 2 million investment funding to sustain the future of potato growing.

The Net Zero Hectare project has secured GBP 2.06 million (about USD 2.36 million) in funding acquired from The Farming Innovation Programme, run by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in cooperation with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
Dewulf among exhibitors again at Potato Europe 2022
Agosto 25, 2022

Dewulf shows range of harvesters, planters and handling equipment at Potato Europe 2022

In contrast to the 2021 edition in the Netherlands, Potato Europe 2022 will be an in-person event again! On 7 and 8 September, exhibitors and visitors will be welcomed at Rittergut Bockerode.
Royal Avebe started potato campaign.
Agosto 25, 2022

Royal Avebe started potato campaign

Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has started the campaign at production location Gasselternijveen. Growing conditions were excellent until early July, but heat and lack of precipitation in recent weeks is cause for concern.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land
Agosto 23, 2022

After Millennia of Agricultural Expansion, the World Has Passed Peak Agricultural Land

Humans have been reshaping the planet’s land for millennia by clearing wildlands to grow crops and raise livestock. As a result, humans have cleared one-third of the world’s forests and two-thirds of wild grasslands
La variedad de patata Macarena ofrece oportunidades de cultivo en el norte de África.
Agosto 22, 2022

La variedad de patata Macarena ofrece oportunidades de cultivo en el norte de África

Tras el exitoso lanzamiento de la variedad de patata de consumo Macarena en 2018 y el cambio generacional dentro de la empresa, la compañía obtentora alemana Saatzucht Niehoff se ha fijado el objetivo de ampliar gradualmente su gama de patatas de consumo.
Newtec Celox-P-UHD sorter helps out potato supplier Storøhage Kartofler
Agosto 22, 2022

Newtec Celox-P-UHD sorter helps out potato supplier Storøhage Kartofler

One happy, long-term Newtec customer is Peter Anker Nielsen, CEO and owner of Storøhage Kartofler, a potato supplier that grows high-quality potatoes from the extraordinarily nutrient-rich agricultural area
Grupo Apex adquiere Viube Foods.
Agosto 17, 2022

Grupo Apex adquiere Viube Foods

Grupo APEX ha anunciado durante este mes de agosto una nueva compra. Se trata en esta ocasión de la empresa catalana Viube Foods S.L., fabricante especialista en chips vegetales bajo la marca MIKSO.
Potato Europe Preview: GRIMME to present a range of new agricultural machinery
Agosto 17, 2022

Potato Europe Preview: GRIMME to present a range of new agricultural machinery

On the 7th and 8th of September 2022, the international trade fair PotatoEurope will take place in Bockerode near Hanover and GRIMME will present a large number of new practical innovations and further developments.
Agricultores sacan patatas en Cantalpino, ya con máquina.
Agosto 16, 2022

España: El buen precio y la alta demanda de patatas aceleran la cosecha

La mayor demanda de patata que en años pasados ha acelerado su cosecha en Salamanca aunque dentro de los límites que marca el propio desarrollo del cultivo, que impedirá a la mayoría de agricultores de la provincia sacarlas antes de mediados de agosto.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato Europe visitors to see the latest handling innovations from Haith
Agosto 15, 2022

Potato Europe visitors can see the latest handling innovations from Haith

The UK's leading manufacturer of vegetable handling solutions will present its revolutionary new grading machine – the ProSort - to European farmers at Potato Europe 2022.
España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava.
Agosto 12, 2022

España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava

Las intensas olas de calor que están teniendo lugar a lo largo de los últimos meses están ocasionando que en los cultivos alaveses de patata el número de tubérculos por planta sea menor de lo esperado.
Bavaria-Saat Ltd presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022
Agosto 11, 2022

Bavaria-Saat GbR presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022

Due to the war in the Ukraine and persistent drought, the international potato industry is expecting another challenging year. Nevertheless, numerous players from all major potato-growing countries will meet at Potato Europe early September.
Patatas Meléndez adquiere la compañía gallega Patatas Prado.
Agosto 10, 2022

Patatas Meléndez adquiere la compañía gallega Patatas Prado

Patatas Meléndez adquiere el 100% de Patatas Prado y mantiene su organización y su estructura. La compañía incluirá la patata gallega en su portfolio de productos y sigue apostando por aportar valor en la categoría de las patatas.
PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales
Agosto 09, 2022

PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales

PotatoEurope 2022 will be taking place on 7 and 8 September 2022 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, Germany.
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
Agosto 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.


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