Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Over 200,000 farmers grow potatoes in Cameroon, mostly smallholders and very predominately women.
Mayo 21, 2019

Potato production in Cameroon mostly in the West and North-west regions

Potato production in Cameroon is dominated by the west and northwest regions, data from GIZ’s Green Innovation Centers for the Agriculture and Food Sector project (GIZ-Procisa) showed.
Cameroon planning to triple potato production in 2016
Agosto 18, 2015

Cameroon planning to triple potato production in 2016

In the African country of Cameroon, the Delegate Minister of the Minister of Economy, Yaouba Abdoulaye, officially launched on 5th and 6th August 2015 two new agricultural plants or agropoles for the production, processing and sale of potatoes and pineapples respectively.
Call for tenders: feasibility study potato processing in Cameroon
Marzo 13, 2015

Call for tenders: feasibility study potato processing in Cameroon

The Cameroonian Ministry of Industry has just issued a call for tenders to hire a research firm to conduct a technical, institutional and financial study on behalf of the government to create a potato-processing project for Kumbo in the North-West region.
Potatoes and farm inputs for 300 potato growers in Cameroon
Mayo 14, 2014

Cameroon Potato Farmers receive free seed potatoes as government wants to professionalize potato cultivation

Some 300 Irish potato farmers in Cameroon received 30 tonnes of quality Irish potato seeds and farm inputs to improve production and productivity.
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