Asociaciones de Industrias

Prof Ian Toth, the new President of the EAPR
Agosto 01, 2024

Prof Ian Toth appointed as new President of the EAPR: A visionary leader for Europe’s potato research community

Prof Ian Toth, a distinguished figure in the potato research community, has been appointed as the new President of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR).
VAVI is affiliated with the Potato Demonstration Day organization
Abril 15, 2024

VAVI is joining as one of the organizers of the Potato Demonstration Day

As of 2024, the Association for the Potato Processing Industry (VAVI) is joining the organization of Potato Demonstration Day (Aardappeldemodag).
Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma.
Abril 02, 2022

Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma

After 20 months of service as the first elected chairman of the NEPG, the Dutchman Jaap Botma from Friesland stopped as scheduled. Jaap was an arable farmer (seed potatoes, sugar beets, onions, cereals, …) for 28 years.
Junio 28, 2021

After 15 years, Nele Cattoor bids farewell to Belgian fresh produce sector

Last week, after 15 years, Nele Cattoor left the Belgian fruit and vegetable sector. She's taking on a new challenge. Nele was the Belgian Vegetable Processing Sector Union, Vegebe's general secretary.
Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
Enero 26, 2021

Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)

Until December 31, 2020 the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) was a 5 country organization, but the organization started 2021 without the British AHDB. Also, Victor Pfaff stepped down as NEPG secretary and is replaced by Daniel Ryckmans.
Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association
Octubre 01, 2015

Lower Yield and Quality will determine potato market in the Netherlands, says farmer association

The Dutch Association of Arable Farmers of (VTA) finds an average yield of 53.622 kg/ha, 8% below last year and on par with the 5-year average. Although tubers are large this season, the VTA predicts low factory yields as a result of a host of quality issues, resulting in an increased demand for potatoes per ton finished product.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Dutch Potato Crop Yield below average according to VTA sampling
Agosto 31, 2015

Dutch Potato Crop Yield below average according to VTA sampling

In the annual VTA sampling of the development of the Dutch potato crop development, mid August a yield was found 16% lower than last year and 7.1 below the 5 year average.
Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials
Agosto 26, 2013

Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials

Yield trials of the Dutch Farmers Union VTA indicate a yield mid August 19 percent below the 5-year average.
Marzo 30, 2012

Europatat Congress 2012 announces more speakers

Europatat and the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) are pleased to announce that Guy Faulkner from World Potato Markets and Karlijn Offermans from advertising agency 2 Mèt will join the Europatat Congress as guest speakers during the Europatat Commission ...
 Native Potato varieties
Marzo 11, 2012

Oeraardappelras geadopteerd door Stichting De Bildtse Aardappelweken

Stichting De Bildtse Aardappelweken heeft een oeraardappelras geadopteerd. Voor 5000 dollar is de stichting eigenaar geworden van oerras 700247, een aardappel uit Peru. De genen van deze oerpieper liggen opgeslagen in de Wereldzaadbank op Spitsbergen...
Topkok Marco Westmaas aardappelambassadeur
Marzo 11, 2012

Topkok Marco Westmaas aardappelambassadeur

Topkok Marco Westmaas wordt aardappelambassadeur. (Click to enlarge) Aardappelambassadeur Marco Westmaas Voor de Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie NAO zal hij in 2012 zijn innovatieve talenten inzetten om de aardappel als modern en onmisbaar...
Europatat congress
Marzo 02, 2012

Europatat congress 2012 – The potato is coming home!

Europatat and the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) are pleased to announce the opening for registrations for the annual Europatat Congress, taking place in The Hague (The Netherlands) from 24 to 26 May 2012.
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 Louis Beemsterboer
Febrero 27, 2012

Aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op productie

Het aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op de totale productie. De opbrengst per hectare heeft een veel grotere effect. Dat fluctueert meer door de jaren heen dan het areaal, zegt voorzitter Louis Beemsterboer van de Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)....
 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV)
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‘Ketensamenwerking beter dan vrije handel’

Akkerbouwers zijn meer gebaat bij verticale ketensamenwerking dan bij vrije handel. Dat zei directeur Dick Zelhorst van aardappelverwerker Aviko tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV). Het is voor de industrie belangrijk da...
 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw
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VTA: aardappelvoorraad Februari 2012

De Verenigde Telers Akerboud (VTA) inventariseert jaarlijks in november, februari en april de aardappelvoorraad onder een vaste representatieve groep van haar leden. Onlangs is de tweede voorraadinventarisatie uitgevoerd voor de opgeslagen aardappelen ...
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BAI Opbrengst en Voorraadmeting aardappelen, 15 februari 2012

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Febrero 06, 2012

Breeders Trust wins arbitration case illegal trade in undersized propagating material to Germany

Breeders Trust has been vindicated in an arbitration case against a Dutch seed potato grower who has been shown to have illegally sold undersized potatoes as propagation material to Germany. The case is of importance because this verdict is unique in t...
Diciembre 05, 2011

NAO schorst handelsbedrijf in illegaal pootgoed

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