Aplicación de Fertilizante

Un nuevo estabilizador de nitrógeno está disponible en Argentina.
Agosto 13, 2022

Un nuevo estabilizador de nitrógeno está disponible en Argentina

Esta semana Corteva AgriscienceTM presentó Instinct NXTGEN®, un inhibidor de la nitrificación disponible para los productores de maíz y papa de Argentina.
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
Agosto 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.
Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina.
Junio 20, 2022

Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina

La compañía noruega y la papera sellaron el primer acuerdo de este tipo en el país y el segundo del mundo. Se trata de un hito en el camino de la producción sostenible.
Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa.
Junio 14, 2022

Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa

Time is paramount when testing potato crops before spraying and fertilizer applications, which is what Picketa’s new product is all about. For their final engineering project, four University of New Brunswick students decided to help potato growers.
Yara establishes Potato Incubator Farm in Washington to study Crop Nutrition. synergy and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Abril 27, 2022

Yara establishes Potato Incubator Farm in Washington to study Crop Nutrition synergy and Carbon Footprint Reduction

Yara has recently established a new Incubator Farm, aimed at exploring how a complete potato crop nutrition program that drives productivity and grower profitability can simultaneously lead to a reduced carbon footprint.
Febrero 02, 2022

Modelos contribuirían a estimar nutrientes que requieren los cultivos de papa

Por medio de cuatro estudios experimentales en dos ciclos de producción, por primera vez se logró desarrollar las 'curvas críticas de dilución' de calcio (Ca), magnesio (Mg) y azufre (S) en cultivares (varios cultivos) de papa.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Enero 05, 2022

Europlant presenta un programa de patatas con baja utilización de insumos

Europlant presenta variedades de patata con una alta cantidad de nutrientes. Las variedades especiales de alto rendimiento y alta calidad para una producción con pocos insumos protegen el medio ambiente y ahorran costes.
Yara joins Biden's climate coalition
Noviembre 08, 2021

Yara joins Biden's climate coalition

Some of the largest companies in the world launched a shared initiative to reach the climate goals through ground-breaking technology, Joe Biden’s 'First Movers Coalition'. Fertilizer manufacturer Yara International is one of them.
USDA and EPA Announce Winners of the Next Gen Fertilizer Innovations Challenge.
Octubre 22, 2021

USDA and EPA Announce Winners of the Next Gen Fertilizer Innovations Challenge

The United States Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the winners of the Next Gen Fertilizer Innovations Challenge, the second of a two-part to Advance Agricultural Sustainability in the United States.
David Newton - Timac technical manager
Octubre 07, 2021

As fertilizer prices hike, it's a good time to consider biostimulants to make expensive fertiliser stretch as far as possible

England: Big role for biostimulants in fertiliser price hike. With the agricultural industry experiencing a 130 percent increase in fertiliser costs, farmers are being advised to look beyond nitrogen applications to get the most from their soils.
North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension soil science specialist Dave Franzen examines soybeans in a field.
Octubre 05, 2021

Fertilizer Prices for 2022 Crop Will Be Near or Above Historic Highs

North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension specialist shares tips for improving profitability during times of high fertilizer prices.
Yara and Kyushu Electric Power explore Clean Ammonia collaboration in Japan
Septiembre 27, 2021

Yara and Kyushu Electric Power explore Clean Ammonia collaboration in Japan

Yara International ASA, a leading global ammonia player and Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc (Kyushu), a Japan-based power generation company, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
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MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'
Septiembre 20, 2021

MountainKing: The quality of the Colorado potato crop 'extraordinary'

As MountainKing readies for its fall harvest, early tests from its fields in Colorado’s San Luis Valley offer encouraging signs for several of the brand’s gourmet varieties including its yellow-flesh varietals.
Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business
Septiembre 01, 2021

Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business

Yara Suomi Oy announced today the acquisition of Ecolan Oy, a Finnish producer of recycled fertilizers. This is Yara’s first acquisition in the organic fertilizer segment.
The company Hegra is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.
Agosto 17, 2021

Chemical fertilizer with a zero carbon footprint one step closer with the launch of HEGRA

The company HEGRA is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.The company aims to electrify and decarbonize the ammonia plant at Herøya.
Managing nutrition during tuber bulking crucial for water regulation
Julio 08, 2021

Managing nutrition during tuber bulking crucial for water regulation

With tuber bulking being such a critical, yet energy sapping period in potato crop development, now is the time to consider nutrition applications to support crop health and maintain tuber growth.
AKILIMO digital platform improves potato yields in Rwanda
Julio 04, 2021

AKILIMO digital platform improves potato yields in Rwanda

CIP and RAB are focusing their efforts in this area to release varieties that are high-yielding, pest and disease resistant, and climate-resilient.  But is this enough to overcome the low potato yields faced by Rwandan farmers?
UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology.
Junio 02, 2021

UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology

British carbon capture and utilization company CCm Technologies has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop new modular Carbon Capture and Sequestration units.


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