Almidón de Papa y sus Derivados

Emsland Group Forms Strategic Distribution Partnership with UniBourne Food Ingredients to Serve Customers in India
Enero 20, 2025

Emsland Group Forms Strategic Distribution Partnership with UniBourne Food Ingredients to Serve Customers in India

German manufacturer of dehydrated potato products Emsland Group announces a new distribution partnership with UniBourne Food Ingredients, LLP, for the Indian market as of January 1, 2025.
Goodrich Cereals potato flakes
Enero 26, 2024

Sustainability at Goodrich Cereals: Nurturing Nature, Nourishing Future

Goodrich Cereals, a manufacturer specialized in the production of dehydrated potato products based in Haryana, India, not only focuses on the quality of its products, but also embraces innovation and sustainability.
 Roquette - Riddhi Siddhi
Junio 05, 2012

Roquette acquires assets of leading Indian starch manufacturer to become leader in a fast growing market

Roquette, one of the global leaders in the starch industry announced today in Lestrem (Pas-de-Calais, France) the acquisition of the 3 starch production sites of the leading Indian starch manufacturer, Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd. Roquette takes the ...
Diciembre 19, 2010

Pailan Group (India) exports potato flakes to Israel

Israel is getting a taste of potatoes grown in Hooghly (West-Bengal, India). Recently, 40 tonnes of potato flakes, processed and packaged at the Pailan Group plant was shipped to Israel on a trial basis.
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