Almacenamiento de Papas

 2011 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention in Denver
Marzo 09, 2011

2011 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention in Denver

Alternating between North America and Europe, the unique, annual International Potato Processing &Storage Convention will take place in Denver this year.
 Premier Russet
Febrero 24, 2011

Excitement cools for Premier Russet

The Premier Russet was one hot potato, but the high expectations did not materialize...
Febrero 15, 2011

US Potato Stocks and Potato Processing, February 2011

The 13 major potato States held 176 million cwt of potatoes in storage February 1, 2011, down 14 percent from a year ago.
 Washington Oregon Potato Conference 2011
Enero 27, 2011

Washington-Oregon Potato Conference in Kennewick (video)

he Washington-Oregon Potato Conference is in Kennewick again this year, and organizers say it's bigger than ever.
Enero 16, 2011

Potato use for processing in US up 2%, use for dehy down 24%

 Washington Oregon Potato Conference 2011
Enero 02, 2011

Futurist Bob Treadway keynote speaker at 2011 Washington-Oregon Potato Conference

The program for the 2011 Washington-Oregon Potato Conference is packed with scientific reports, national and state updates on the industry and of course a keynote speaker.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Diciembre 15, 2010

US Potato Stocks Down 13 Percent From December 2009

The 13 major potato States held 232 million cwt of potatoes in storage December 1, 2010, down 13 percent from a year ago.
 New Brunswick
Octubre 18, 2010

New Brunswick potato crop of good quality

Septiembre 30, 2010

Flood could cost Wisconsin potato farmers over 65 million - if you include storage losses

Officials began totaling the millions of dollars in crop damage and loss to central Wisconsin farmers from last week's flooding. In Portage County, where more than half of Wisconsin's potato acreage is planted, losses to potato farmers could rise as hi...
 University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Septiembre 29, 2010

Potato Storage: Proper storage techniques can reduce disease pressure

Storage conditions can be ripe for diseases to develop and devastate potato crops, leading many universities to seek ways to control or prevent diseases before they become a problem. At the University of Maine (UM) a fungicide testing program looks at...
Septiembre 04, 2010

STORECAST will be the name for Pest Pros Inc Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing system

Pest Pros Inc has been granted a trade mark for its Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing system to be known as STORECAST.The system is the first of its kind potato storage disease and inventory management tool.
Gorman controls receives government support for storage monitoring project
Agosto 26, 2010

Gorman controls receives government support for storage monitoring project

Gorman Controls Inc., a Prince Edward Island based company, received support from the Rural Broadband Fund for a project to develop a storage controller.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Agosto 25, 2010

New Brunswick potato growers receive assistance for storage losses

New Brunswick potato growers will receive up to $3 million to help offset the extra costs of cleaning and disinfection of storage facilities and disposing of ruined product following a difficult growing season in 2009. The announcement was made today ...
Junio 17, 2010

SmartBlock, a new sprout inhibitor for potatoes announced by Amvac Chemical Corporation

American Vanguard Corp. (NYSE:AVD) and its subsidiary Amvac Chemical Corporation today announced plans to introduce a new crop protection product that inhibits the growth of sprouts on potatoes.
 Lukie Pieterse
Mayo 30, 2010

Global Potato Tours organizes Potato tour on Prince Edward Island

Global Potato Tours is organizing its first international tour, scheduled to take place June 27 - July 4, 2010 on the largest potato producing province of Canada - Prince Edward Island. Tour members will be introduced in person to many individuals invo...
Mayo 06, 2010

Científicos del ARS ayudan a mejorar la capacidad de las papas para tolerar el almacenamiento

Científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) en Dakota del Norte están evaluando la capacidad de nuevas variedades de patata de tolerar el almacenamiento a largo plazo.
 ARS Potato Research: inspecting microtubers
Mayo 06, 2010

Potato varieties with improved storage capabilities: ARS research

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in North Dakota are evaluating the storage properties of promising new potato varieties that could greatly improve potato quality for growers throughout the United States.
Abril 22, 2010

US Potatoes 2010: Processing down 6%, Spring Production Up

Production of winter and spring potatoes is estimated at 25.6 million hundredweight(cwt) in 2010, a 3-percent increase over 2009 and the highest level since 2004. (As of 2010, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service includes California winter ...


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