Almacenamiento de Papas

Agosto 31, 2011

Pest Pros to test STORECAST potato storage disease prediction system in Canada

A recent agreement between Pest Pros Inc and Soil Food Web Atlantic Canada will test the use of  STORECAST, “Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing” in Prince Edward Island (PEI) Canada this storage season. Mr. Daryl Lingley of Soil Food Web Atlantic C...
 focus on potato
Agosto 23, 2011

Focus on Potato launches two new webcasts

Focus on Potato announces the launch of two new webcasts for practitioners in the potato industry, titled “Mid to Late Season Irrigation Management” and “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases.” View “Integrated Management of Storage Diseases” “I...
Julio 20, 2011

El Congreso Mundial de la Papa apoya económicamente la participación de delegados provenientes de países en desarrollo

Allan Parker, presidente del Congreso Mundial de la Papa, a realizarse en Edimburgo, Escocia, entre el 27-30 mayo de 2012, anunció hoy la intención de apoyar económicamente hasta cuatro delegados al evento. La organización proveerá 1,000.00 dólares ca...
 World Potato Congress 2012
Julio 20, 2011

World Potato Congress offers support to Delegates from Developing Countries

Delegates to the 8th World Potato Congress, from developing and transitional countries, may qualify for financial support from World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC Inc). Allan Parker, President of WPC Inc, said today he is extremely pleased to announce WP...
Junio 13, 2011

US Potato Stocks down 36% from 2010 (June 1)

In the United States, the 13 major potato States held 35.5 million cwt of potatoes in storage June 1, 2011, down 36 percent from a year ago.
Junio 10, 2011

Low acrylamide potato lines created by University of Wisconsin scientists

What do Americans love more than French fries and potato chips? The answer: Not much...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 10, 2011

La Universidad de Wisconsin crea líneas de papa con bajos niveles de acrilamida

Existe algo que los estadounidenses amen más que las papas fritas y las papas a la francesa? No hay muchas cosas... pero tal vez las estén amando más de lo que deberían hacerlo. Haciendo a un lado las grasas y las calorías, ambos alimentos contienen al...
 University of Idaho Extension
Junio 02, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission discusses research priorities

Mayo 17, 2011

US Potato Stocks on May 1 at lowest level in 10 year

The 13 major potato States held 65.7 million cwt of potatoes in storage May 1, 2011, down 27 percent from a year ago.
 North American Potato Market News (NAPMN)
Abril 27, 2011

NPPGA: demand for processing potatoes in North Dakota will be high this summer

The Columbia Basin, Idaho, and Wisconsin are all facing potential shortages, while North Dakota is sitting on more spuds than one year ago. The North American Potato Market News is reporting the Columbia Basin will run out by July 3rd if usage continu...
Abril 15, 2011

Storecast: Predicting the Future Health of Potatoes in Storage

For the first time, a tool is now available to growers for determining the risk of disease to potatoes in storage.
Abril 15, 2011

US Potato Stocks Down 18 Percent From April 2010

The 13 major potato States held 106 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2011, down 18 percent from a year ago. Potatoes in storage accounted for 30 percent of the 2010 fall storage States' production, four percentage points below April 1, 2010.
Contenido Patrocinado

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United States Potato Stocks Down 15 Percent From March 2010
Marzo 16, 2011

United States Potato Stocks Down 15 Percent From March 2010

The 13 major potato States in the US held 143 million cwt of potatoes in storage March 1, 2011, down 15 percent from a year ago.
 2011 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention in Denver
Marzo 09, 2011

2011 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention in Denver

Alternating between North America and Europe, the unique, annual International Potato Processing &Storage Convention will take place in Denver this year.
 Premier Russet
Febrero 24, 2011

Excitement cools for Premier Russet

The Premier Russet was one hot potato, but the high expectations did not materialize...
Febrero 15, 2011

US Potato Stocks and Potato Processing, February 2011

The 13 major potato States held 176 million cwt of potatoes in storage February 1, 2011, down 14 percent from a year ago.
 Washington Oregon Potato Conference 2011
Enero 27, 2011

Washington-Oregon Potato Conference in Kennewick (video)

he Washington-Oregon Potato Conference is in Kennewick again this year, and organizers say it's bigger than ever.
Enero 16, 2011

Potato use for processing in US up 2%, use for dehy down 24%


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