Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Harvested potatoes
Agosto 10, 2023

Increasing demand for potatoes from Kurdistan in Gulf countries

Following a satisfactory experience with exporting potatoes to the United Arab Emirates in recent weeks, several other Gulf states are now lining up to buy the starchy vegetable produced from the farms of the Kurdistan Region
Kurdistan's Potato Farmers Protest Cheap, Banned Imports
Septiembre 28, 2020

Kurdistan's Potato Farmers Protest Cheap, Banned Imports

Farmers dumped their potatoes in front of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s agriculture ministry in Erbil on Thursday, protesting banned imports that have pushed their produce out of the market.
Not enough storage as Kurdistan potato production ramps up
Septiembre 03, 2015

Not enough storage as Kurdistan potato production ramps up

Potato production in Kurdistan has seen a 13-fold increase over the last 7 years and is well above domestic demand, allowing export of the surplus. Nevertheless, potatoes have to be imported later in the season, since local potato storage capacity is lacking.
Febrero 23, 2012

France aiming to reestablish seed potato export to Iraq

Bernard Quere, the Middle East envoy for the French agricultural agency France Obtention- whose slogan is L'Univers de la pomme de terre - had flown from Paris in November to sell seedlings cultivated by French farmers to Kurdish agriculturalists. By ...
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