Proveedores de Vodka de Patata en Europa

Chase Distilleries

Chase Distilleries is the company founded by Will Chase after he sold Tyrrell's Potato Chips. Most prominent product of Chase Distilleries: potato vodka.

Hoff Norske PotetIndustrier

HOFF Norske Potetindustrier is a Norwegian agricultural cooperative processing and distributing potatoes and potato products.

HOFF SA - Sundnes Brenneri

HOFF SA - Sundnes Brenneri is one of the production facilities of HOFF Norske potetindustrier and includes a distillery where the liquor akvavit (aquavit) is produced from potato and caraway.

Torekovs lilla chipsfabrik AB (Bjäre chips)

Torekovs lilla chipsfabrik AB is a small Swedish manufacturer of batch fried potato chips , selling potato crisps branded Bjäre chips. Also known as Bjäre Hembygd AB.
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