Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)
Envirolizer company aligns seamlessly with the stringent criteria for inclusion in the Organic Input List for both Demeter International and the EU Input List.Specializing in soil fertility enhancement, Envirolizer provides a range of products including vermicompost, AgProbiotics, AgHumus, and fertilizers.
Eqontrol is a digital operator that makes factory Management more efficient by connecting buying, sales and production departments in one intuitive interface. It helps + to track & trace every order from start to finish and allows for production scheduling, data-driven optimization and better margins.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Farmneed AgriBusiness Private Limited (FNAB)
Farmneed AgriBusiness (FNAB) is a growing agritech venture with niche capabilities around plant protection. FNAB has undergone multiple collaborative research with centres of excellence including WBSU, the only recognized Asia Blight lab in India, NRCG (ICAR Institute), Assam Agriculture University towards its effort to develop crop specific solutions.