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Wyma Australia
Wyma Australia is a production location of Wyma in Australia. Australia is home to some of the world’s largest potato and carrot post-harvest wash lines, some facilities processing more than 40 tonnes per hour. Wyma Australia provides low maintenance, simple to use quality equipment that is gentle on the product. ems.
Wyma Solutions
Wyma Engineering es conocido como el creador original de la pulidora de zanahorias y patatas. Wyma diseña, fabrica, distribuye y brinda servicio a equipos de manipulación de frutas y verduras poscosecha a nivel mundial, adaptando soluciones para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de los clientes. Wyma ofrece soluciones integradas llave en mano, centrándose en minimizar el tiempo de inactividad y reducir el desperdicio.
Zhaoqing Fengxiang Food Machinery Co. Ltd.
Founded in 2006, Zhaoqing Fengxiang Food Machinery Co., Ltd. is a high-tech entity enterprise and It has been engaged in the development and production of primary processing and deep processing equipment for fruits, vegetables, agricultural products, meat and aquatic products.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Zhengzhou Lonkia Machinery Co., Ltd.
Lonkia is a professional factory that provides high quality foodstuff processing machinery and enterprise production solutions for global users. Its business covers everything from food industrial production to household equipment, from single machines to automatic product lines.