Cadena de Suministro de Papas en Sudamérica


ADRagricola is a company in Argentina dedicated to the production and marketing of potatoes

Agropia Cooperativa

Agropia Cooperativa is an organization of small producers of native tubers, they group more than 150 families in 17 different peasant communities in the high Andean areas of the Huancavelica region.


Empresa dedicada a la producción y venta de semillas pre-básicas y básicas de papa y ajo.

Agrosystem Comércio, Imp. E Exp. Ltda

Agrosystem produces and distributes technology equipment for Precision Agriculture such as: planting monitors, isobus module for monitoring planting, meteorological stations, grain moisture meters, NIR analyzers and fruit classifiers.


Amauta is a fertilizer company located in Argentina. The company offers a range of fertilizers, including micronutrients, water-soluble fertilizers, foliar fertilizers, and granule fertilizers. They offer several products specific to potato tuber production that maintain optimal growth and development of the foliage and tubers of potatoes.

Britos Hmnos

Britos Hermanos fue fundada en el año 1995 como una pequeña empresa familiar dedicada a la producción de papas para el sector tradicional y de retail. En la actualidad, la empresa se ha convertido en la principal empresa de producción de papas en Uruguay, diversificando sus operaciones también en la cría de ganado, cultivos de cereales y más.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado


Brometan Argentine company dedicated to the marketing of agricultural inputs in Argentina and Uruguay. The company committed to providing agronomic solutions to labor-intensive crops, especially fruits and vegetables.

Conci Riego

Conci Riego offers surveying and installation of Underground Drip Irrigation system, as well as customized hydraulic designs and financial solutions.


Established in the Argentine Republic , Cosmoflor imports and distributes special fertilizers and specific products for critical crop situations, throughout the country.

Dalintor S.A.

Dalintor S.A. specializes in the import of seed potatoes, irrigation systems, and agricultural machinery to meet the different needs of the agricultural sector.

Diagnosticos Vegetales

Diagnosticos Vegetales specialized in providing diagnostic services for plant diseases and sanitary management of potato crops, as well as in the production of seed potato minitubers.

Diagnosticos Vegetales S.A.

Diagnosticos Vegetales S.A. is a leading independent provider of services and products focused on plant biotechnology for the breeding of seed potatoes and other crops.
Contenido Patrocinado

También te puede interesar

Drakar Srl

Drakar Srl Empresa Argentina productora de semilla de papas con variedades utilizadas por la industria asi también como el mercado fresco.

El Parque Papas

El Parque Papas is an Argentine company with over twenty years of experience in the potato industry. With a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility, the company produces and stores potatoes for the chips industry and seed potatoes. They supply the French fry industry with potatoes directly sourced from the field and the fresh market with freshly harvested, washed, and conditioned potatoes.

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA)

EMBRAPA es una empresa de innovación tecnológica enfocada en generar conocimiento y tecnología para la agricultura brasileña.


Esfatrade Organization Worldwide is a company working in international trade of fresh goods and potato seeds located in Uruguay.

Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa (Fedepapa)

La Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa – Fedepapa, representa a los productores de Papa en Colombia generando lineamientos de política sectorial ante el gobierno nacional, organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.

Federación Nacional de Productores de Papa (FENAPP)

Federación Nacional de Productores de Papa (FENAPP)


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