Cadena de Suministro de Papas en Canadá


NutriAnalytics is a powerful proprietary DaaS (Data as a Service) platform that leverages standard tissue testing methods but runs the results through its proprietary SABI algorithm and machine learning to make accurate, crop-specific nutrient recommendations and yield class Predictions.

Nutrien Ltd.

Nutrien produces and distributes over 25 million tonnes of potash, nitrogen, and phosphate products for agricultural, industrial, and feed customers worldwide.

Oddball Organics

Oddball Organics™ potatoes are just as fresh and nutritious as regular organic potatoes, only difference being odd shapes or minor skin blemishes or minor mechanical damage

Ontario Potato Dist. Alliston Inc.

Ontario Potato Dist. (Alliston) Inc.'s primary activity is potato farming, packing, storage, and distribution. Since its inception almost 50 years ago.

Ontario Seed Potato Growers Association (OSPGA)

OSPGA is an organization of Ontario potato seed growers and breeders who work collaboratively to support the SPUD Unit through the University of Guelph, liaison with CFIA inspectors regarding seed certification and with OMAFRA to promote the best quality Ontario grown seed with stewardly production practices.

P.E.I. Potato Quality Institute

The P.E.I. Potato Quality Institute is owned by the potato producers of Prince Edward Island. This not-for-profit organization functions under the guidance of a Board of Directors, consisting primarily of potato producers.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd. is a potato variety marketing company introducing new Agrico potato varieties to Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Patates Dolbec Inc.

Patates Dolbec Inc. - located in Quebec - is one of the largest potato growers and packers in Eastern Canada

Paul Bubar & Sons Ltd.

Paul Bubar & Sons Ltd is a potato shipper from New Brunswick, Canada.

Peak of the Market Ltd

Peak of the Market Ltd. (Peak) is an inclusive and diverse company that fills the produce aisle with fresh, high-quality product from A to Z (asparagus to zucchini) across Canada and throughout the United States.

Pearson Farms Inc.

Pearson Farms is a potato grower from New Brunswick, Canada.

Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc.

Perennia Food and Agriculture is a not-for-profit corporation with the mandate to provide technical and specialized services to the agri-food and seafood sectors. They are Nova Scotia’s only development agency focused solely on their food sector and maximizing its value.
Contenido Patrocinado

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PGS Equipment Ltd

PGS Equipment was founded in 2021 by the merger of Growers Supply and Prairie Side Equipment. PGS focuses on the sale and service of agricultural machinery from seeding to storage and from harvesting to packaging.

Picketa Systems Inc

Picketa Systems Inc. is a Canadian AgTech startup working to develop a Real-Time Plant Tissue Analysis method in order​ to provide its customers with assisted decision-making and data management tools, in particular regarding fertilization.

Pinery Farms Ltd

Poitras, Les Fermes Lionel & Alyre Ltée.

Poitras, Les Fermes Lionel & Alyre is a potato grower from New Brunswick, Canada.

Pommes de terre Laurentiennes Inc

Potato Marketing Association of North America (PMANA)

The Mission of the Potato Marketing Association of North America is to gather information pertaining to bargaining and the potato industry, on a North American level.


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