Empresas con Asociaciones de Industrias en África

African Potato Association (APA)

The African Potato Association (APA) is a non-profit organization that was launched in September 1985. The objectives of the African Potato Association include promoting the interests of potato and sweet potato workers in Africa.

Fraxen Consult Ltd

Localized in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, FRAXEN Consult Ltd provides superior Renewable Energy and Business Consultancy Services to the public and private sector clients in Tanzania and abroad.

Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya (FPC Kenya)

Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya (FPC Kenya) is a trade association committed to driving the growth and success of fresh produce companies in Kenya and their partners.

National Potato Council of Kenya

The National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) is a public private partnership and a multi-stakeholder organization that has the responsibility of planning, organizing, and co-coordinating value chain activities of the potato sector in Kenya.

Potato and Onion Producers Association Namibia (POPA)

The Potato and Onion Producers Association, (POPA) is the official representative of potato and onion producers in Namibia.

Potato Farmers Association of Nigeria (POFAN)

POFAN is the Potato Farmers Association of Nigeria (Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes). Their members are spread around the 36 states of Nigeria and the capital territory (F.C.T)
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Potato Lesotho Association

The establishment of Potato Lesotho Association was influenced by potato's potential to contribute to alleviation of food insecurity, Lesotho's fitting climate and nature.

Potatoes South Africa (PSA)

Potatoes South Africa (PSA) is a Non-profit Company under the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008)

Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB)

The Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) is an autonomous body. RAB has the general mission of championing the agriculture sector development into a knowledge based; technology driven and market oriented industry.

Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (Sagcot)

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (“SAGCOT”) Initiative is a Public-Private Partnership with the objective to boost agricultural productivity, improve food security, reduce poverty and ensure environmental sustainability through the commercialization of smallholder agriculture.
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