Proveedores de Aceites para freír en Europa


“EXGSP GmBH”, is a manufacturer of packaged refined deodorized, frostbitten edible oil. The plant’s products comply with the requirements of the State Standard and satisfy all the requirements of GOST 4492: 2005 “Sunflower-seed oil.

IOI Loders Croklaan

IOI Loders Croklaan is a supplier of frying oils including palm oil.

Maxfry GmbH

Maxfry GmbH is the family-owned and managed company has focused on improving the technical properties of vegetable oils and fats. Maxfry® specializes in the thermal and oxidative stabilization of oils and fats in the food industry.


Potoki" is a modern oil extraction plant for the production of sunflower oil and other products from sunflower . The company produce innovation product – sunflower protein concentrate for food purpose.

Verhelst Fresh

Verhelst Fresh is a family company with more than 30 years of experience in the potato sector. Pieterjan Verhelst founded it in September 2011 in Bikschote and produced fresh fries.
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