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El Volumax es un sistema diseñado para optimizar el llenado de productos a granel y piezas. Este sistema proporciona una solución para llenar de manera más eficiente los contenedores con productos sueltos, como productos congelados.
SiftAI® Smart Table for Foreign Material Detection & Potato Grading
La SiftAI® Mesa Inteligente es una solución de inspección todo en uno para procesadores de papas, que permite clasificar, calificar, dimensionar y detectar materiales extraños no deseados automáticamente, con poca o ninguna intervención humana.
Ring Dryers
The SiccaDania Ring Dryers are perfectly designed for extended drying of starch, fibers, and proteins such as gluten.
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Potato Storage Concept based on Mechanical Ventilation Only
ENGIE Refrigeration has developed a storage system entirely based on mechanical refrigeration, which allows maintaining the same storage conditions throughout the year.
Event Promotion Package
If you want to generate a lot of attention in a short period of time, the event promotion package is what you are looking for.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Hyperspectral Analyser
El analizador hiperespectral de RMA-Techniek se puede utilizar para determinar el contenido de materia seca y su dispersión en una papa. Para ello, la papa debe pasar a través de la máquina cortada en rodajas.
Croptic - Automatic Seed Potato Selection with Drones
Croptic revoluciona la selección de semillas de papa combinando la tecnología de drones y algoritmos avanzados de IA. A través de vuelos automatizados de drones, Croptic identifica y distingue las semillas de papa afectadas por el virus Y de las saludables.
AmaTron 4
Amazone has introduced the AmaTron 4, an innovative and completely new, in-house developed tablet style ISOBUS terminal.
Centrifugal Sieves
The SiccaDania Centrifugal Sieves are designed to generate the maximum possible starch yield through low freshwater usage, and minimal downtime.
Band Spraying with Boom Control System
Band spraying reduces the amount of pesticides used. The HORSCH Leeb sprayers with their BoomControl system and nozzles at 25 cm intervals already allow band spraying at 50 or 75 cm intervals.
Spray Assist App
The Syngenta Spray Assist App helps potato farmers to make the right decisions related to spraying their crops. The app combines weather conditions, spray nozzles and Syngenta's knowledge. That's how you receive tailored recommendations
10mm Straight Cut Fries
The 10mm Straight Cut Fries are one of their popular fries to date. It’s not too thin and not too thick, which is very easy to fry with a nice amount of potato inside. Perfect for Charcoal Chicken and Kebab Shops.
RMA Defect Analyser
RMA-Techniek supplies everything of inspection and sampling of potatoes. They supply from manual machines to fully automatic lines. The last step in determining the quality of potatoes is still manual work everywhere.
Pellex C+ Processor
The Pellex C+ processor can produce a large variety of healthy snacks including potato popped chips, non-fried tortilla chips, popped chips with inclusions and ancient grain popped chips, all in a single operation without further treatment.
13mm Straight Cut Fries
This traditional potato flavour cut chips, is ideal for the Fish and Chips and also Charcoal Chicken shops, with a nice dollop of sauce. Their versatility and robust shape, makes it appealing to the eye for the potato lovers.