Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)
Spudnik 6640 36″ Offset Hitch (4 row Harvester, with Simple Sep Secondary)
The Spudnik 6640 is a 4-row harvester with a 36" offset hitch and Simple Sep Secondary, designed for efficient and high-quality crop harvesting.
Single-Sensor Temperature Packages
Martin Lishman-Single-Sensor Temperature Packages provides simplest way to measure crop temperature and conform to quality assurance schemes.
Negative Pneumatic
Benefits of pneumatically conveying food products include: no line loss, no cross contamination, and very few moving parts when compared to standard solutions like flighted belts or bucket conveyors.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
Lady Rosetta
Lady Rosetta (LR) is the potato variety with red skin, round, uniform tuber with relatively shallow for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage. This variety is majorly used in the potato chips manufacturing around the world.
Potato Granules
Potato granules are precooked, dehydrated potatoes produced in particulate form consisting substantially of whole tissue cells or small aggregates of cells.
Potato Slices
Goodrich Cereals offers a wide variety of dehydrated potato slices for foodservice and manufacturing. These products are remarkably convenient, delivering fresh potato flavor and nutrition without washing, peeling or slicing.
Washing & Grading Plant
The plant is designed for the preparation, washing, polishing and sorting of ware potatoes. Both parts of the plant display first-class workmanship down to the smallest detail and are connected together in a highly efficient manner.
Grimme - Toppa Haulm Toppers
TOPPA es la nueva gama de desbrozadoras de tallos de GRIMME, que se presenta en 5 tipos diferentes que pueden procesar de 2 a 8 hileras.
A self-cleaning and disinfecting transport system
A self-cleaning and disinfecting transport system for frozen food that can transport 1 ton/h to 60 ton/h products over longer and steep sections.
Rooted cutting Ipomea Batatas Beauregard
Ipomea batatas (Sweet Potato) is traditionally propagated in the form of 'slips and/or rooted intermediate cuttings'.
Decock Plants only uses top cuttings that ensure a higher yield of 15%.
Decock Plants only uses top cuttings that ensure a higher yield of 15%.
Silicone based (liquid) Defoamer. Combination of Polypropylene Glycol and Co- polymers.