Buscar soluciones para el Cultivo de la Papa

Amazone Amatron 4
AmaTron 4
Amazone has introduced the AmaTron 4, an innovative and completely new, in-house developed tablet style ISOBUS terminal.
Agrometius Trimble TMX-2050
The rugged Trimble TMX-2050™ display offers advanced precision agriculture capabilities
Biocontrol Technologies - RootDei Biocontrol
RootDei Biocontrol
RootDei Biocontrol® es un biofungicida innovador para controlar Rhizoctonia spp. en papas, formulado con la cepa T34 de Trichoderma asperellum, una sustancia activa autorizada en la UE para su uso como producto de protección de plantas.
Croptic - Weed Maps for Spot Spraying
Croptic - Weed Maps for Spot Spraying
Croptic permite a los agricultores usar su pulverizadora convencional como una pulverizadora selectiva. Hacemos esto a través de los mapas de maleza que creamos con drones e inteligencia artificial.
Vegniek Selectron
The fully electrically powered Selectron roguing cart is equipped with a powerful lithium-ion battery. This battery can be easily charged by means of the charger, but it also charges during the day by the solar panel sunroofs.
Croptic - Automatic Seed Potato Selection with Drones
Croptic - Automatic Seed Potato Selection with Drones
Croptic revoluciona la selección de semillas de papa combinando la tecnología de drones y algoritmos avanzados de IA. A través de vuelos automatizados de drones, Croptic identifica y distingue las semillas de papa afectadas por el virus Y de las saludables.
Contenido Patrocinado
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Packo Nucrop
Nucrop is based on a unique hybrid herbicide concept that combines a conductive liquid called VOLT.FUEL with electro-physical desiccation. Nucrop is being developed by Nufarm and CROP.ZONE.
Damaco Group, in collaboration with Ghent University, has developed a new amino acid biostimulant based on poultry by-products, called Aphasol
Mooij Agro EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
The Easy Virtual Assistant – EVA – is the new smart assistant wizard for growers and crop storage operators. EVA is available as an additional module in Croptimiz-r; the latest automation system for crop storage.
Syngenta Spray Assist App (links to DUTCH description of the Syngenta Spray Assist App)
Spray Assist App
The Syngenta Spray Assist App helps potato farmers to make the right decisions related to spraying their crops. The app combines weather conditions, spray nozzles and Syngenta's knowledge. That's how you receive tailored recommendations
Kloppenburg Machinebouw Mechanical Haulm Puller
Mechanical Haulm Puller
Kloppenburg Machinery B.V. Ulrum NL Potato haulm pulling, mechanical haulm removal. Their specialty from the past. In 1947, subsidies were provided to develop a haulm tractor.
CropVision Gewis
CropVision Gewis
CropVision Gewis can be connected to the weather station of the Belgian grower. The advisory program indicates the best spraying moment for each product, in order to achieve the highest possible results of spraying.
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Syngenta Interra Scan
Interra Scan
InterraScan de Syngenta utiliza la última tecnología de escaneo para ofrecer escaneos precisos del suelo, análisis y mapas de suelo.
Restrain CO2 Extractor
CO2 Extractor
Restrain CO2 extractor to reduce CO2 levels in potato storage facilities. With the extractor, potato growers can manage the CO2 level in their storage
Innovative 48 Volt electric driven EnviMaxX potato haulm puller
EnviMaxX Potato Haulm Puller
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture, REMA Environmental Machinery BV has developed a 48 Volt fully electrically driven haulm puller / root cutter for mechanical potato haulm (foliage) destruction in (seed) potatoes.
Grimme EVO 290 AirSep
EVO 290 AirSep
The Grimme EVO 290 AirSep is the worlds first bunker harvester with Airsep, a patented separation device.
WatchITgrow, the web application for potato monitoring in Belgium
WatchITgrow aims to contribute to improved crop monitoring, in view of increasing yields in a sustainable way, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac, 435 hp, 7-ton NonstopBunker and rubber tracks to ensure good protection against ground compaction.
Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac
GRIMME presents the second generation, the VARITRON 470 Platinum boasting 435 HP with rubber tracks and 7-ton NonstopBunker as standard.


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