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Tecno Alimentaria Valenciana - GoSync Accumulation Trays
Accumulation Trays
GoSync Vibradores optimiza las regulaciones de flujo del producto y homogeneizamos el caudal, utilizando
tolvas de acumulación según sea necesario.
Tummers Peeling line Delta Roller Spreader
Peeling line Delta Roller Spreader
The Tummers Peeling Line Delta Roller Spreader has specially been developed for gentle transport to a wider product flow. This machine is commonly used to feed potatoes from the outfeed of a screw conveyor to a wide sorter, but is suitable for a wide variety of food products.
Intralox DirectDrive System
DirectDrive System
DirectDrive technology has revolutionized spiral conveyance by eliminating overdrive, creating reliably smooth operation that performs without interruption.
Allround Filter System FBT 350-120
Filter System
​​​​​​​​The Allround Filter system is designed to take out loose skin and dirt. Filtration is the separation of solids from the product by means of a filter belt, which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass through.
Tecno Alimentaria Valenciana - GoSync Conveyors
Bandejas transportadoras GoSync® hace que se crea un movimiento oscilante que hace que la propia fricción del producto sobre la bandeja limpie los restos de producto y aroma en esta.
Tecno Alimentaria Valenciana - GoSync Buffer
Permiten absorber el exceso de flujo de producto y dosificarlo de vuelta a la línea según las necesidades. De esta forma, se consigue mantener la homogeneidad en la línea y minimizar el número de paradas y arranques. Favorece a la autonomía de las líneas productivas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Wyma Medium Potato Line
Medium Potato Line
Medium Potato line is a 25-ton line which has two receiving options. Produce may be received directly from a field harvest truck or via storage bins using an Electric Bin Tipper.
Wyma Small Potato Line
Small line to pack potatoes
In this example of a small line to pack potatoes (5 ton per hour), produce can be received onto an Elevator where they are fed into a Horizontal Debris Remover, to remove loose dirt, vine, and other debris.
Intralox Activated Roller Belt
Activated Roller Belt
Activated Roller Belt™ (ARB™) technology is a patented, automated conveyance solution that creates new possibilities for system or line layouts. Proven in thousands of installations worldwide, ARB equipment enables efficient, gentle
Tummers Fresh produce pump
Fresh produce pump
Tummers Food Processing Solutions has exclusive marketing rights to product pumps for processing potatoes, vegetables, and fruit. Their fresh produce pumps will pump your product without damaging it.
ASF 950
Space Finder
​​​The Allround Space Finder is designed in such a way that bulk stores are filled in the most effective manner. The Space Finder makes sure every inch of the storage facility is used.
Intralox FMC Conveyor Program
FMC Conveyor Program
Optimize your conveyors, minimize your foreign material risk. Conveyor-related foreign material risk is preventable with optimized preventive maintenance, conveyor setup, and sanitation programs.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Allround Receiving Hopper ARH 160-500
Receiving Hopper
The Allround Receiving Hopper is designed to feed or act as a buffer in loading and unloading lines or processing lines. The hopper is designed in such a way that it can be fed by tip trailers, box tippers, and big bags.
Potato Processing Equipment Specialist Kiremko presents the H Flow Conyevor, especially developed for the transportation of snacks and frozen products.
H-Flow Conveyor®
The H-Flow Conveyor® guarantees less product breakage and loss of coating and flavouring, compared to vibratory transfer systems.
 Allround Even-flow hopper EF 100-0.7
Even-flow hopper
The Allround Even-flow hopper is used to dose the flow of product in a line. Mostly the Even-flow hopper is used in front of a Weighing machine or an optical sorter.
Allround Through Belt
Transport Belts
The Allround​ transport belts are designed to transport produce over long distances. There are several variations of belts. Each variation is intended for a different purpose.
Intralox ZeroSplice
Intralox® ZeroSplice™ technology enables food processors to connect sections of our ThermoDrive belting quickly and easily without field splicing.
Wyma Gooseneck Bin Filler
Gooseneck Bin Filler
Wyma’s Gooseneck Bin Filler gently fills bins with minimal produce drop. The gooseneck outfeed means the distance between the end of the elevator and the bottom of the bin is minimal to avoid produce damage.


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