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Kuipers Flavouring Unit
Flavouring Unit
Stand alone unit to cater for various capacities. Can be used to add flavour, oil drops or spray various types of snacks such as pellets, peanuts, chips or corn nuts. A flexible solution customized for your snack needs.
SAS Screw Feeder
Screw Feeder
Spice Application Systems is a manufacturer of Screw Feeder
Kuipers French Fries Processing Line
French Fries Processing Line
Although Kuipers mainly focuses on snacks, the team of experts can design and deliver small French fries turnkey projects from raw potato input until the freezing and packaging stage.
 CMP Tote Dumper Add Back System
Tote Dumper Add Back System
CMP has several styles of product add back systems available depending on the product type and size.
Tolsma - Compact Optical Quality Sorter (Optica Q)
Compact Optical Quality Sorter (Optica Q)
The Optica Q is a compact optical quality sorter. Fifteen to eighteen tons of seed potatoes are checked for quality per hour. This allows the batch to be read with high capacity. Converted, the Optica Q reads as fast as three people in the inspection room.
Dewulf MB 111 Box filler with a capacity of more than 80 boxes per hour
MB 111 Box filler with a capacity of more than 80 boxes per hour
Con el MB 111, contará con un llenador de cajas fiable con una gran capacidad. Gracias al flujo continuo de producto con una cantidad mínima de movimientos de la carretilla elevadora, esta máquina puede procesar más de 80 cajas por hora.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Screw conveyor steamer with overpressure technique
Potato Steamers
Screw conveyor steamers with overpressure technique
SV Agri, Breakfast cereals Line
Breakfast cereals Line
The breakfast cereal machine processes ready-to-eat breakfast cereals in a variety of shapes and recipes using corn flour, wheat flour, oats, barley, etc. as its raw material.
Eqraft Brushing Machine
Brushing Machine
Eqraft Simple and effective machine for brushing or polishing agricultural products.
Kanchan Metals- Extruder Take-Out Conveyors
Extruder Take-Out Conveyors
Kanchan Metals manufactures a range of specialized equipment for the food processing industry, including Extruder Take-Out Conveyors. These conveyors are essential for handling the output from extruders, ensuring smooth and efficient transfer of extruded products for further processing or packaging.
Dewulf Miedema MC 80 cm wide conveyor belts
MC 80 cm wide conveyor belts
Las cintas transportadoras sencillas MC 80 utilizan una cinta transportadora de artesa de 80 cm de anchura con una capacidad de más de 130 toneladas/h a una velocidad de cinta de 40 m/min. La velocidad máxima variable de la cinta es de 72 m / min.
MF 15x Receiving hopper filler for belt trailers
MF 15x Receiving hopper filler for belt trailers
Con un llenador de tolva receptora MF 15x, puede descargar el producto rápidamente de un remolque con cinta transportadora a una tolva receptora.
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Martin Lishman-Potato Temperature Spikes
Potato Temperature Spikes
Martin Lishman-Potato Temperature Spikes is used for quick and accurate temperature measurement in individual tubers.
Marel RevoCrumb
The RevoCrumb produces perfectly coated potato specialty products with uniform distribution of crumb and the highest quality appearance. The RevoCrumb separates the coarse from the fine crumb and then lets you precisely control their flow onto the product.
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery
The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.
Reyco Systems UV Hood
UV Hood
REYCO Systems can custom design UVC Hoods using Steril-Aire shatter-resistant, plastic-sheathed UVC Emitters™ for specific applications. The UVC light kills viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, and yeast through the disruption of the DNA and RNA structure at the cellular level.
Kelsteam | Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
The Kelstream Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger is a vertical heat exchanger used for inline heating and/or cooling of medium to high viscous products, like mashed potatoes.
Marel RevoBreader
Marel RevoBreader is a multi-purpose breader with drum and flatbed modes in one enclosure, creating the highest quality home style and standard coated products.


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