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Tote Dumper Add Back System
CMP has several styles of product add back systems available depending on the product type and size.
Special Processing and Packaging Conveyors
CMP manufactures a wide range of custom conveyor systems to meet specific client processing demands.
Packing Machine PEB41
Newtec Packing Machine PEB41 is designed for versatile packing solutions of potatoes, carrots apples and similar fruits and vegetables.
Sliver remover SR
The Sormac sliver remover is manufactured with a series of ribbed rollers with an adjustable distance between each roller. The roller bed is inclined to create an angle for optimal product transit.
Cleaning rollers and belts
Tolsma-Grisnich offers various solutions for cleaning the products to be processed. Grading and processing of clean products leads to higher efficiency and accuracy.
Chips Processing Plant
Las plantas de procesamiento de papas fritas Kuipers incluyen todos los componentes necesarios, desde la recepción y limpieza de las papas hasta el envasado. La línea permitirá a los fabricantes de snacks producir deliciosas papas fritas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Pulsed Electric Field OptiCEPT® Solid Series
FPS Food Process Solutions ("FPS"), líder global en soluciones de procesamiento de alimentos llave en mano, y OptiCept Technologies, socio estratégico en la tecnología de Campo Eléctrico Pulsado (PEF), lanzan su sistema PEF de última generación, diseñado específicamente para la industria de procesamiento de alimentos sólidos.
Packing Machine - HSCF
Newtec’s High-Speed Container Filler (HSCF) has been designed for speed and versatility, in response to client requests for a solution capable of achieving higher capacity across a variety of products and packaging materials.
Pivoting Conveyor Machine
Kanchan Metals offers a Pivoting Conveyor Machine designed to enhance flexibility and efficiency in material handling and processing applications.
Continuous Potato Cooker
The Continuous Potato Cooker by Kanchan Metals is designed for the efficient and uniform cooking of potatoes in a continuous process. It is ideal for producing high-quality cooked potatoes used in snacks, frozen foods, and other potato-based products.
Potato Washing Auger (Washing and Elevating)
DTS- Washing augers are used to remove soil from unpeeled potatoes, or skin residues from peeled potatoes. The specially designed auger creates tumbling of potatoes while being washed.
Mixing and Dosing System
Adding additives, such as SAPP and dextrose, to the potato product ensures desired potato color.
Sherlock Safeguard
The high precision, advanced Chemical Imaging Technology (CIT® Gen3) is a real novelty in the optical sorting and monitoring of food. With the latest generation of hyperspectral cameras – developed specifically for Insort – full spectrum real-time analysis is even more precise.
EDF Feeder
PFI EDF Feeder sanitary vibratory feeder efficiently moves a variety of products throughout your food processing line.
Infeed Vibrator
Spice Application Systems is a manufacturer of Infeed Vibrator
MB 33 Box filler with a capacity of 40-60 boxes per hour
Con el MB 33, las cajas se llenan parcialmente en capas inclinando la cinta de llenado y desplazándola en la caja. Este llenador de cajas Miedema tiene una capacidad de 40-60 cajas por hora.
CF/VRM Multipass Freezer
FPS CF Continuous Flow Multipass™ Freezer line has been developed for a range of cooling and freezing requirements.