The 'Vanilla' potato is an early maincrop variety known for its high yield and excellent eating quality. It produces uniform, smooth-skinned tubers with yellow flesh and skin. The variety is recognized for its great taste and texture, making it suitable for various culinary uses.
- Very prolific high yielding variety
- Uniform smooth skinned tubers
- Excellent eating quality with great taste and texture
- Early bulking maincrop with good skin set.
- Good tuber numbers, leading to low seed rates and reduced establishment costs.
Tuber Characteristics
- Type: Early maincrop
- Yield: High
- Skin Color: Yellow
- Flesh Color: Yellow
- Tuber Shape: Oval to long-oval
- Tuber Size: Uniform and medium to large
- Eyes: Shallow
Agronomic Traits:
- Maturity: Early maincrop
- Plant Vigour: Moderate to strong
- Tuberization: Good, producing a uniform crop
- Market Use: Fresh consumption, table potato