SolHy016 potato variety

Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: SOLHY016Rights Holder | Breeder: SolyntaCountry of Origin: Netherlands Países BajosYear of of introduction:

Descripción de la variedad

SOLHY016 is a variety that produces a good yield, also in organic cultivation. Late maturing with round-oval shape and yellow smooth skin and a medium-yellow flesh color. High tuber count per plant, highly suited for the Baby Potato segment.

  • Tasty small potato with few eyes. 
  • Firm cooking type when boiled and baked. 
  • Ideal for salad dishes. 
  • Enhanced resistances against Late Blight.

Tuber Characteristics

  • Skin Color: Smooth, yellow skin. 
  • Flesh Color: Creamy or yellow flesh. 
  • Shape: Oval to round tubers. 
  • Size: Medium to large tubers. 
  • Yield: High yield potential. 
  • Storage Quality: Good storability, maintaining quality over time. 
  • Disease Resistance: Resistant to common potato diseases, which helps in maintaining quality during storage and transport.


  • Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans): Offers good resistance, which is crucial for reducing crop losses. 
  • Common Scab (Streptomyces scabiei): Shows resistance to this soil-borne disease that can affect tuber quality. 
  • Potato Cyst Nematodes: Has some level of resistance to these pests, which can damage roots and reduce yields.

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