Only the best potatoes of the Chérie variety become Rossana potatoes, a product with a unique and truly unmistakable taste thanks to its typical shape and its deep red skin. Its firm and delicate flesh makes it ideal for baking, boiling and fried.
Plant and Tuber Characteristics
- Foliage maturity: Early
- Emergence: Fairly fast
- Plant vigour: Fairly high
- Skin colour: red
- Flesh colour: pale yellow
- Tuber shape: long
- Shape uniformity: good
- Eye depth: shallow
- Tuber size: large
- Tuber set: moderate
Quality and Use
- Yield: high
- Dry matter content: fairly low (17-18%)
- Cooking type: B
- Disintegration: very slight
- After cooking darkening: very slight
- Frying colour at harvest: fairly good
- Storage ability: fairly high