Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: PepinoRights Holder | Breeder: Year of of introduction:

Descripción de la variedad

Pepino is a mainly firm cooking variety. Because of high proportion of medium size and very nice skin suitable for small packages

Tuber Characteristics
  • Shape: round oval to round
  • Colour of skin: yellow
  • Colour of flesh: yellow
  • Size: medium
  • Number: medium to high
  • Depth of eyes: flat

  • Wart: susceptible
  • Nematodes: resistant to Ro1 and Ro4 (for both highest number 9)
  • Leaf roll virus: low to medium
  • Virus Y: low
  • Foliage blight: medium
  • Tuber blight: low
  • Common scab: low
  • Rhizoctonia: low

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