Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: NorlandRights Holder | Breeder: NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITYCountry of Origin: United States Estados UnidosYear of of introduction: 1957

Descripción de la variedad

Norland It is a red-skinned, white-fleshed cultivar with a primary use for salads, very good for boiling. However, it can also be good for making french fries and potato chips, but is not good for baking. The main weakness of Norland is the tendency to loose the red skin color, paling, during maturity and storage. For this weakness, the strains were developed. Red Norland is the standard for short-season reds in most variety trials and is its major market strength. Norlands are adaptable to cooler climates such as the northern states of the USA.

  • Purpose: fresh market, boiling (“new reds”), salads, also frying
  • Maturity: early season, 70-90 days after planting
  • Dormancy: short period
  • Emergence: rapid
  • Tubers: oval to round, slightly flattened, uniform; smooth, slightly reddish skin; more reddish skin with strains Red Norland and Dark Red Norland
  • Eyes: shallow to medium; moderate in number; evenly distributed
  • External Defects: none; resists growth cracking, secondary growths and mis-shaped growth
  • Yields: low to medium with high proportion of US#1 grade
  • Disease susceptibility: (vine) most viruses, early dying (Vert. wilt), black leg, and blights; (tuber) seed decay (dry rot) and silver scurf
  • Disease tolerance: (vine) stem and stolon canker; (tuber) common scab and net necrosis

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