Variety Name: MerleRights Holder | Breeder: SAKACountry of Origin: Germany AlemaniaYear of of introduction: Parentage: BELMONDAxLAURA

Merle is a medium early until medium late, fairly firm cooking, high yielding table potato. This variety is suitable for longterm storage and shows a homogenous sorting. Her tubers are longoval with yellow to dark yellow flesh colour. Very high tolerances against internal rust spot and growing cracks. Good torances towards rhizoctonia, silver scurf and resistance against nematodes Ro1, Ro3, Ro5 and potato wart disease race 1.

Tuber characteristics

  • Tuber shape: Oval
  • Flesh color: Deep yellow 
  • Eye depth: Shallow 
  • Skin color: Yellow 
  • Skin characteristic: Smooth

Yield and Quality

  • Market outlet: Ware, Pre-packing 
  • Yield: Very high 
  • Share oversize: Low, Medium 
  • Share undersize: Low 
  • Cooking type: Fairly firm cooking 
  • After cooking discoloration: Very low 
  • Discoloration raw: Very low 
  • Dry matter content: Medium

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