MacKinaw Chipper is a next-generation chipping variety with built-in resistances unmatched by any other chipper currently on the market. It produces a high percentage of A-size tubers with a high specific gravity and has strong yield potential. As a full-season chipper, it performs exceptionally well in both short-term and long-term storage, maintaining excellent chip quality.
Key Characteristics:
- Utilization: Chip Market
- Maturity: Late Maincrop (105-110 DAP)
- Yield: High to very high
- Skin Color: Light tan, lightly netted
- Flesh Color: Creamy white
- Tuber Shape: Round
- Tuber Set: 10-12
- Dry Matter: 22.5-23.5%
- Dormancy: Medium
Variety Strengths:
- High tolerance to heat and drought
- Produces a high percentage of A-sized tubers
- Resistant to PVY and Late Blight
- High tolerance to Common Scab
- Resistant to Rhizoctonia (black scurf)
- Tolerant to Verticillium wilt
- High specific gravity
- Moderate to high tolerance to stem-end defects
- Low invertase levels
- Comparable black spot bruise susceptibility to Snowden
- Excellent chipping quality from short-term and long-term storage
- Chips well into June-July when stored at 48-50°F without reconditioning
- Preliminary data suggests it can chip from 46-48°F long-term storage, though sucrose levels tend to increase as temperatures approach 46°F, likely requiring reconditioning
- Very low incidence of secondary growth, growth cracks, and hollow heart
- Requires wider in-row spacing (12 inches) compared to most chipping varieties
- Requires slightly less nitrogen fertility