Variety Name: JubilatRights Holder | Breeder: Year of of introduction:
Jubilat is a robust maincrop delivering constantly high starch yields through uniform sized tubers. Its strong canopy makes jubilat very resitant to heat and drought. Furthermore this variety shows good tolerance against Alternaria and is very suitable for bulk storage.

Tuber Characteristics
  • Tuber shape: Oval, Long oval
  • Flesh color: Cream
  • Eye depth: Medium
  • Skin color: Light brown
  • Skin characteristic: Rough

  • Nematodes: Ro 1-4
  • Potato wart disease: Race 1 *
  • Leaf blight: Medium, High
  • Tuber blight: Medium, High
  • Rhizoctonia: High
  • Black leg: High
  • Common scab: Medium
  • Internal rust spot: High
  • Second growth: High
  • Damages: Low, Medium
  • Bruising: Low, Medium
  • PVY: High

Yield and Quality
  • Market outlet: Starch
  • Yield: High
  • Share oversize: Medium
  • Share undersize: Low, Medium
  • Dry matter content: High, Very high
  • Dry matter yield: High, Very high

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