Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: FringeRights Holder | Breeder: Year of of introduction:

Descripción de la variedad

Fringe is a good all round, modern variety with a couple of qualities which make it stand out from the crowd. The first is that it produces a good crop of first early potatoes which can be left in the ground to be harvested as second earlies and even as early maincrops.

This extends its harvesting period well beyond most other varieties. The second quality it exhibits is very good resistance to tuber blight. The foliage may be affected but if this is trimmed off when blight takes hold the tubers will, in most cases, be unaffected.

Variety Characteristics
  • Shape: Oval
  • Skin Color: Bright creamy white
  • Flesh color: Light Yellow
  • Eye depth: Superficial
  • Dormancy: Long
  • Dry matter: 19-20%
  • Conservation quality: Excellent
  • Mechanical damage resistance: 7
  • Hit resistance: 7 High performance

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