
Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: EramosaRights Holder | Breeder: AGRICULTURE CANADA, ONTARIOCountry of Origin: Canada CanadáYear of of introduction: 1988

Descripción de la variedad

Botanical Features
  • Plants: medium size; semi-spreading; stems not pigmented; straight wings, occasionally waved towards growing tip of stem; not swollen nodes.
  • Leaves: olive green, semi-open, not pubescent.
  • Terminal leaflets: medium ovate; apex acuminate; medium wavy margins.
  • Primary leaflets: three to four pairs; medium ovate; apex acuminate; medium wavy margins.
  • Secondary leaflets: three to four pairs.
  • Flowers: very few; mauve corolla, medium prominent star; flower buds pubescent.
  • Tubers: oval, semi-flattened, rarely oversized; smooth white skin; shallow eyes; white flesh.
  • Sprouts: ovoid, short, very pubescent; base purple; apex green.

Agricultural Features

High yielding variety; very good resistance to skinning and hollow heart; good storability; medium dormancy period; medium specific gravity.

Remarks: very good response to green sprouting; may be harvested at 62 days. Vines die early.
  • Utilization: excellent for boiling and baking.
  • Chief Market: very early fresh market

Reaction to Diseases
  • Highly resistant: potato wart, leaf roll, rhizoctonia.
  • Moderately resistant: common scab.
  • Susceptible: silver scurf.
  • Highly susceptible: PVY.

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