Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: ConcordiaRights Holder | Breeder: POMMERSCHE SAATZUCHT GESELLSCHAFTCountry of Origin: Germany AlemaniaYear of of introduction: 1950

Descripción de la variedad

Concordia is an exemplary variety, as the tubers are oval, consistent in shape and size. The skin of the tubers is smooth and yellow, the flesh is also yellow. Concordia is mostly suitable for washing, packing and transportation, thus is often found in shops across the Europe.

  • Medium early
  • Attractive oval tuber shape with smooth skin
  • High marketable yield
  • Suitable for storage
  • Mainly firm cooking quality ware potato

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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado