
Información sobre la variedad de papa

Variety Name: CalWhiteRights Holder | Breeder: USDA & UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIACountry of Origin: United States Estados UnidosYear of of introduction: 1995

Descripción de la variedad

Calwhite is an early maturity, long oval white potato variety with a bright white skin color and shallow eyes of moderate number. It has medium set of uniform size and shape tubers, which are moderately resistant to Fusarium seed piece decay but susceptible to soft rot and net necrosis.

It has very high fresh weight and dry matter yield potential, making it suitable for fresh market tablestock and for dehydration processing uses. Tubers are susceptible to “heat sprouting” if left in high temperature soils at, or near, maturity.

Remark: the herbicide metribuzin should not be used with this variety as it is highly susceptible to it.
  • Utilization: excellent for baking and french frying.
  • Chief Markets: fresh market, processing of french fries.

Tuber Characteristics:
  • Shape: Long, oval
  • Eyes: Shallow to medium
  • Skin: White
  • Flesh: White
  • Specific Gravity: Medium
  • Dormancy: Short
  • Set: Medium
  • Defects: Resistant to hollow heart; moderately resistant to internal necrosis, black spot, growth cracks, common scab. Very susceptible to heat sprouting.
  • Total Glycoalkaloids: Low to medium

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