Variety Name: almeraRights Holder | Breeder: SVALOF WEIBULL BVCountry of Origin: Netherlands Países BajosYear of of introduction: 1999
Almera is a secind early,very high yielding table variety with an attractive pale yellow skin and light yellow flesh color. The tubers are oval long in shape and rather big. The cooking type is rather firm and the dry matter content is low.

  • Skin Color: Yellow
  • Flesh Color: Yellow
  • Size: Large
  • Tuber Shape: Long Oval
  • Tuber Set: High
  • Eye Depth: Shallow
  • Maturity: Medium (90-110 Days)
  • Storage Dormancy: Medium
  • Disease Resistance: PCN Ro1/4, Leafroll, Fusarium
  • Sensitivities: Powdery Scab, Silver Scurf, Blackdot
  • Herbicide Sensitivities: Sencor can give a slight reaction of leaves and yield reduction

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