Aún no hay una descripción de la situación de la papa disponible sobre este país.
Si usted está familiarizado con la situación de la papa en este país, ¡nos encantaría que nos proporcione una breve descripción!
Estadísticas Agrícolas Estonia
Potato Area Harvested in 2014 : | 6400.00 | ha | Official data | ℹ |
Potato Area Harvested in 2014 : | 3806.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Yield in 2014 : | 18748.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Production in 2014 : | 2487.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Area Harvested in 2014 : | 1327.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Potato Yield in 2013 : | 193558.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Yield in 2013 : | 193558.00 | Hg/Ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Estadísticas de consumo Estonia
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1997: | 125.46 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1997: | 0.00 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1996: | 151.79 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1996: | 0.00 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1995: | 140.02 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1995: | 0.00 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 1994: | 120.44 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |