British Potato 2013 (BP2013)

British Potato 2013 (BP2013)
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En persona y en línea
Once every two years the whole of the British Potato Industry comes together for this unique ‘seed to shopping trolley’ event.

It’s an exceptional networking and business opportunity for all those involved in growing, handling, processing and retailing the crop in this £multi billion industry.
  • Dozens of Europe’s leading potato companies
  • The latest in potato research &development
  • All types of farm, packing and processing machinery
  • New breakthroughs in production and processing
  • Business news and emerging opportunities
  • Buyers, suppliers and advisers from plough to plate
  • THE way to stay in touch and ahead!
Visitors see what’s new, make and renew contacts and do business!
Your suppliers, buyers and competitors will be there – can you afford to miss it?
Visitor entry is free (Registration required)
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