Anuga FoodTec 2022

Anuga FoodTec 2022

En persona y en línea

Every 3 years, Anuga FoodTec is the hotspot of the worldwide food and beverage industry and its suppliers and THE meeting point for visionaries and decision-makers.With over 50,000 trade visitors from 154 countries and around 1,700 exhibitors, Anuga FoodTec registered record values in 2018.

Anuga FoodTec is divided into eight segments. Here, specialist buyers will find FoodTec expertise along the entire value chain in a concentrated and structured form.

Anuga FoodTec 2022 will be a hybrid of a trade fair and Anuga FoodTec@home

Flexible, innovative, hybrid: Anuga FoodTec 2022 is heading into the future and presents 2022 in a new hybrid format. The mixture of a compact presence trade fair and the digital platform Anuga FoodTec@home creates the best conditions for the industry to re-launch .

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