
Junio 03, 2008

Peru and Chile each lay claim to being the home of the potato

Peru and Chile, long-time rivals, are each laying claim to the humble vegetable, which experts agree is indigenous to South America and was spread to Europe by Spanish colonists in the 16th century. At stake is the reflected glory of being the home of ...
Junio 03, 2008

Tainted cooking oil kills 8 in Ethiopia

Authorities closed 16 cooking oil factories in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Tuesday after eight people were killed and scores sickened by food cooked with contaminated oil. In a statement, the Health Ministry said 94 people were in hospital wit...
Junio 02, 2008

Professor Eric Tollens over de werldwijde voedselcrisis

Over de wereldwijde voedselcrisis heeft iedereen de voorbije weken zijn zegje gedaan, van de Groene Kring tot voormalig Sovjetleider Michail Gorbatsjov.Maar wat moeten we tot hiertoe onthouden van alle reacties en intentieverklaringen? Wat moet er vera...
Junio 02, 2008

EFSA Acrylamide risk opinion remains unchanged

Efforts to reduce acrylamide remain a priority as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concludes risk assessments regarding the carcinogen will stay the same. EFSA organised a scientific colloquium in Italy last month, to debate how the current po...
Junio 02, 2008

Boise McDonald's gives out free fries to honor JR Simplot

To honor the man responsible for bringing the frozen French fry to the masses - McDonald's locations in Ada and Canyon Counties will give people a special free treat today. From 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., customers can get a free order of fries in honor of...
Junio 02, 2008

Fast Food Outlets In New York Go Against Rule To Publish Calorie Count

Since May 5 when New York City mandated restaurants to print the calorie count of the meals on menus 81 dining establishments have been served notice by the city Health Department for violation of the law. Among those found guilty were Dunkin' Donuts...
New details of Wendy's sale deal emerge from securities filing today
Junio 02, 2008

New details of Wendy's sale deal emerge from securities filing today

At one time, there were proposed bids for Wendy’s International from four groups other than Triac Cos which agreed in April to buy the Dublin burger chain for $2.3 billion. A regulatory filing today offers a first-time look at the sale process for Wen...
Junio 01, 2008

Pringles Can Inventor Buried in a Pringles Can

The inventor of the Pringles can, Dr. Fredric J. Baur, had an odd request regarding the treatment of his final remains. Well, odd for anyone but the inventor of the Pringles can, that is. Like any proud inventor, Baur requested that his ashes be burie...
Junio 01, 2008

Wereldbank pompt 6 miljard dollar in landbouw

De Wereldbank stelt dit jaar zes miljard euro ter beschikking voor de financiering van landbouwprojecten. De Amerikaanse voorzitter Robert Zoellick gaat volgende week naar de FAO-voedseltop met een arsenaal aan schenkingen, leningen en verzekeringen. &...
Junio 01, 2008

Oranjekoorts in aardappelopslagloods

De aardappelloods van aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Schaap Holland in Biddinghuizen wordt omgebouwd tot een oranje Kartoffelarena.Vanaf zaterdag kunnen hier de verrichtingen van het Nederlands elftal tijdens het Europees kampioenschap voetbal worden gevo...
Junio 01, 2008

Potato oversupply in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi farmers produced a record eight million tonnes of potato in a year that has witnessed a steep fall in rice production caused by floods and a cyclone that hit last November. Facing a dual challenge of importing rice and saving the potato’s ...
Mayo 31, 2008

Pepsico Alimentos podria exportar snacks elaborados con papas peruanas a EEUU y Brasil

Pepsico Alimentos Perú podría exportar snacks elaborados con papas de zonas andinas a mercados potenciales como Estados Unidos y otros en América Latina, como Brasil, informó hoy el presidente de Pepsico Alimentos Sudamérica, Olivier Weber.   “Veremo...


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