
P&G Delivers Q2 EPS and Organic Sales in Line with Expectations; mid single digit decline of snack volume
Enero 30, 2009

P&G Delivers Q2 EPS and Organic Sales in Line with Expectations; mid single digit decline of snack volume

The Procter &Gamble Company (NYSE: PG) announced diluted net earnings per share of $1.58, a 61 percent increase for the October - December quarter. Earnings per share include a $0.63 gain from the Folgers transaction completed during the quarter. ...
Enero 30, 2009

Nederlandse Frites fabrikanten houden contract aardappelprijs voor 2009 gelijk

Aviko houdt de contractprijs voor fritesaardappelen dit jaar gelijk. Aviko doet dit, ook al zijn de kosten voor het aardappelverwerkend bedrijf gestegen. Dat zegt directeur Grondstoffen Dick Zelhorst van Aviko in een interview met het Agrarisch Dagblad...
Enero 30, 2009

Belgische aardappeltelers pogen areaal te beperken

De United Potato Growers of Belgium start volgende week bijeenkomsten om telersverenigingen op te richten.Het doel is het aardappelareaal te beperken, zodat de prijs kan stijgen. De UPGB houdt twaalf bijeenkomsten in Vlaanderen, zegt secretaris Guy Dep...
Enero 30, 2009

Recall: LesserEvil announces recall of peanutbutter and choco kettle corn

LesserEvil announces a voluntary recall of PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCO KETTLE CORN because the peanut butter in this product was purchased from Peanut Corporation of America (PCA). Peanut butter products produced by PCA have been the subject of an investig...
Enero 29, 2009

Cultivan en Cuba variedades de papa de altos rendimientos para la industria

Más de una veintena de variedades de papa de altos rendimientos y resistentes a enfermedades cultivan agricultores cubanos, para elevar la producción de uno de los principales alimentos del agro. Entre esas especies figuran las europeas Romano, Santan...
 Verantwoord frituren
Enero 29, 2009

Consumentenbond: Nog vaak ongezond frituurvet bij de snackbar

Patatzaken bakken nog steeds op grote schaal in ongezond, vast frituurvet. Van de circa 3.000 snackbars die niet meedoen aan de campagne ‘Verantwoord Frituren’  is ongeveer 70% nog altijd niet overgestapt op het veel betere vloeibare frituurvet, zo bli...
 Key Technology
Enero 29, 2009

Key Technology retained profitability amid effects of global economic conditions

Key Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: KTEC) today announced sales and operating results for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 ended December 31, 2008. Net sales for the three-month period ended December 31, 2008 totaled $27.4 million, compared to $28.9 million...
 Washington State Potato Commission
Enero 28, 2009

Voigt gives potato progress report at Washington State Potato Conference

Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, addressed a group of roughly 120 growers at the Washington State Potato Conference in Kennewick Tuesday, where he provided an update on key issues for the potato industry.One of...
Enero 28, 2009

Keeping chips fresh

To find the best way to keep your crisp food from getting stale, Consumer Reports pitted Quick Seals against Glad bags, Ziploc bags and clips."With Quick Seals you can apply a zip closure to opened bags,"Lisa Lee Freeman, of Consumer Reports ...
Enero 28, 2009

UK Grocers: food providing fuel for growth

Asda has become the latest grocer to announce ambitious expansion plans, in yet another indication that food &grocery is proving much more resilient to the recession than other retail sectors. Indeed, the robustness of the sector is set to provide ...
 Nuval Nutritional Scoring System
Enero 28, 2009

Hy-Vee Inc. Introduces NuVal™ Nutritional Scoring System

Hy-Vee Inc. this week became the first company in the Midwest to introduce a program that helps customers understand the nutritional value of the food they buy. The program is good news for shoppers trying to improve their diets. Hy-Vee tested the Nu...
Enero 27, 2009

McDonald's gana un 80% más en 2008 y abrira 1.000 nuevos establecimientos

La crisis no ha impedido que la principal cadena de comida rápida del mundo haya logrado incrementar su beneficio en 2008 en un 80%, hasta los 4.313 millones de dólares (3.307 millones de euros). Además, McDonald’s seguirá creciendo y abrirá unos 1.000...


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