
HZPC growers price seed potatoes considerably higher than expected
Junio 17, 2010

HZPC growers price seed potatoes considerably higher than expected

This week HZPC announced the final grower prices for seed potatoes crop 2009 to her growers.The average price over all varieties is for the class E, size 28/55, 23.10 euro per 100 kg before deduction of the breeder's fee and excluding VAT. Besides that...
Junio 17, 2010

UPGA: Specialty spuds not a panacea for high-volume market

Potato growers and shippers planning to bypass a potential repeat of the current volume-heavy and price-light market are advised not to turn to specialty varieties as a solution.
Junio 17, 2010

Agra Europe: Industrie krijgt voldoende aardappelen

Ondanks dat de groei van de aardappelen dit jaar achter loopt ten opzichte van andere jaren. Dat stelt het marktbureau Agra Europe in een rapport over de aardappelmarkt. Volgens het marktbureau heeft de verwerkende industrie in de vijf belangrijkste aa...
Junio 17, 2010

Syngenta advises to treat blight and Alternaria separately

Syngenta warns potato growers not to compromise blight control programmes during high risk conditions when tackling the threat of Alternaria.
 Potato Council
Junio 16, 2010

Potato Council looking for nominations for potato award

The Potato Council is seeking nominations for this year’s British Potato Industry Award. The award is presented to an individual recognised for their outstanding contribution to the GB potato industry.   Allan Stevenson, PCL Council chairman, comments...
NAPMN predicts 4.1% reduction of potato acreage in Canada in 2010
Junio 16, 2010

NAPMN predicts 4.1% reduction of potato acreage in Canada in 2010

Bruce Huffaker, editor of North American Potato Market News (NAPMN) forecasts the total area planted to potatoes in Canada to be 356,000 acres - 15,100 fewer acres than planted in 2009, a 4.1% reduction.
 ARS researchers Dennis Halterman and Shelley Jansky
Junio 16, 2010

ARS: Fighting Potato Diseases by Enhancing Germplasm

Wild potato germplasm that offers resistance to some major potato diseases has been identified by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.
Junio 16, 2010

EPA Phasing Out Use of the Pesticide Endosulfan

On Thursday, May 10th the EPA announced that it would begin phasing out all uses of the organochlorine pesticide endosulfan. According to the Agency the pesticide is particularly harmful to both workers and the environment.
 Coalition Poids
Junio 16, 2010

Canadians want government to act on obesity

A recent survey conducted commission by the Quebec Coalition on Weight-Related Problems shows that Canadians of all provinces are highly supportive of intervention by governments in a fight against the obesity epidemic. Significantly, 86% of responden...
 Dennis Halterman y Shelley Jansky
Junio 16, 2010

Germoplasma de papa silvestre contiene una clave a la resistencia a enfermedades

Científicos del Servició de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) han identificado germoplasma de una especie silvestre de papa que ofrece resistencia a algunas enfermedades principales de la papa.
Potato Council
Junio 16, 2010

Potato Council introduces the Potato Ambassadors

TEN passionate potato growers, ONE aim: to increase potato consumption and sales across the country. That’s the role of the ‘Potato Ambassadors’ who have been recruited and unveiled by Potato Council last night in London
Junio 15, 2010

VAVI: zorgvuldiger omgaan met vetpercentage frites

VAVI, de overkoepelende vereniging van fritesfabrikanten, wil dat er feitelijker en eenduidiger wordt gerapporteerd over de vetgehaltes van frites. Veel consumenten denken dat het vetpercentage van frites op minimaal 25 procent ligt, terwijl dit in wer...


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