Yechiam Gets, Crop Model Agronomist - World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - November 11, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
WPC Webinar: Basics of irrigation for processing potatoes and irrigation scheduling

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to announce the resumption of its webinar series and its first Fall webinar with Yechiam Gets, Crop Model Agronomist with Netafim on November 11, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard time (USA/Canada).
Presentation Outline
This presentation will mark out the importance of proper irrigation of potatoes and they will highlight the importance of irrigation on locations during the growing season in light of climate change and rain absence. They will detail the current solutions available for different scenarios and their pros and cons.
In the 2nd part, we shall test methods of proper irrigation scheduling for different irrigation systems and shall offer guidance for soil monitoring in irrigated potatoes and how to make conclusions from the results in order to maximize yield, uniformity & quality, and also to face climate change & environmental challenges.
Yechiam Gets is a:
- Deciduous orchard and vineyards farmer from the North of Israel
- M.Agro in soil & water science from the Israeli faculty of Agriculture (HUJI)
- 4 years at Netafim as a crop model agronomist for more than 30 crops, including potatoes
- was nominated as crop specialist for potatoes in 2020
- past experience includes working for Bermad and Haifa chemicals as a field agronomist
- Expertise: irrigation scheduling, fertigation, hydraulics of pressurized irrigation systems, soil and plant monitoring, and crop modeling.
Webinar Registration
To register for this webinar:
When: November 11, 2021, 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). The following is the registration link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Upcoming World Potato Congress Webinars
The World Potato Congress is pleased to announce the following presenters for our upcoming Fall and Winter webinars. Stay tuned for further presentation details for these webinars.
December 2021 - Joel VanderSchaaf, Tuberosum Technologies
January 2022 - Liam Glennon, Chairman, Organizing Committee, World Potato Congress 2022, Dublin, Ireland
February 2022 - Dr. Denis Griffin, TEAGASC, Ireland
March 2022 - Dr. Denis Griffin, TEAGASC, Ireland or Stephen Kildea, TEAGASC, Ireland
April 2022 - Robert Graveland, HZPC
In case you missed any of our previous webinars, you can view them all on our website at