HZPC Holland B.V. world leader in potato breeding, announces that the quotation of HZPC-certificates is determined at € 85.00.
This is an increase of 9% of the quotation since the last stock trading day in last May.
The previous seven trading days in succession, the quotation of the HZPC certificate even increased with the maximum possible rate of 10 percent. Of the 783.725 outstanding certificates 6728 were traded during the last stock trading day. The results reflect a continued confidence of the certificate holders in HZPC Holland.
Twice a year, in November and in May HZPC organises a stock trading day where certificate holders determine the quotation and buy and sell certificates. Certificate holders are the world wide connected HZPC-growers and employees of HZPC in the 10 countries where HZPC has subsidiaries.
In 1999-2000 the first certificates where traded at a quotation of 24 euros and since then there was a yearly dividend payment. The dividend is determined during the shareholders meeting in October.

HZPC CEO’s Gerard Backx says: ”The quotation of the HZPC-certificate has a long-term healthy development which underlines the confidence the certificate holders have in the company. The increase of the quotation of 9 percent now, reflects that certificate holders realize that HZPC in annual year 2012-2013 performed well, despite the fact that profit was lower and the divided was limited due to the provision for a debtor with payment problems.
The next stock trading day will be on 16 May 2014.
Source: HZPC