Potato company boss faces jail over Sainsbury's scam

Mayo 15, 2012
A former potato firm director has been told he faces a significant jail term for his role in a bribery scam with a buyer at Sainsbury's. Andrew Behagg, 60, from the food supplier Greenvale, was found guilty at Croydon crown court of authorising payments in return for lucrative contracts.
He was part of a gang of white-collar criminals who overcharged the supermarket by nearly £9m and channelled money back to a senior buyer, John Maylam.
The scam – described by Sainsbury's as the biggest ever crime against it – was uncovered when a Greenvale employee grew suspicious when he was asked to withdraw £5,000 bundles in £50 notes from a small local bank.

Produce Investments, the owners of Greenvale, said: "We instigated this investigation and have since then introduced new procedures to make sure that such abuse can never happen again.
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