British potato harvest running behind last season

Septiembre 03, 2012
Figures from the Potato Council Grower Panel Lifting Survey estimate that 16,000ha (13% of the total crop and 3,000ha greater than last week's estimate) was cleared to Friday 31 August, with the GB harvest running approximately three weeks behind last season.
The current estimate is 14,000ha less than the same week in 2011 (30,000ha, 23.5% clearance) and 12,000ha less than the average of the previous three seasons.
Levy payers can visit to see a detailed analysis of lifting progress in Britain so far in 2012.
Crops vary enormously with many senescing prematurely and others being burnt off, whilst any in full growth are being left to grow on to maximise yields. Foliage blight is widespread but the main wastage issues include hollow heart, blackleg, growth cracks, greening, slug damage and rots associated with the wet conditions.
In the East there was considerable variation in rainfall with most parts affected earlier in week whereas North Lincolnshire and Yorkshire were very wet in the latter part of the week, which restricted lifting. The heavy rain in some cases washed away baulks. A number of growers currently lifting reported yields of 25t/ha or less. Yields around 36-40 t/ha were common and anything close to or above 50t/ha was an exception.
In the West heavy rainfall severely disrupted lifting in all districts. Yields are well down and whilst some are as low as 25t/ha, most are in a range of 30-42t/ha. In the South heavy rain in the South West meant that very little lifting was possible but in the South East ground conditions were very dry and some crops were irrigated to soften up the soil prior to lifting.
In Scotland more fields had been burnt off or pulverised in preparation for lifting. Many areas received over 50mm of rain over the week, which delayed lifting in most regions.
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