7-Eleven Hot Dog Potato Chips Are Actually Delicious

Big Bite Hot Dog flavored Potato Chips

Big Bite Hot Dog flavored Potato Chips

Agosto 29, 2011

If you think a Hot Dog flavored potato chip is not going to work, think again... 

It looks like 7-Eleven Big Bite Hot Dog Potato Chips have the flavor and the buzz. 

This is what the Huffington Post writes about them:

"When we at HuffPost Food read, the other day, on Gothamist, that 7-Eleven had introduced hot dog-flavored potato chips, we were thrilled. We needed to taste them to see just how awful they would be. We trekked over to the nearest 7-Eleven and paid 89 cents for a bag. We brought them back to the office, opened the bag and prepared to eviscerate them with our wit and disdain -- only to find, after actually taking a bite, that the chips are seriously delicious."

"The hot dog flavor basically tastes like a cross between barbecue and salt-and-vinegar. It has the distinct sourness and saltiness of the latter, with some of the meatiness and spice of the former. But the chips' end note, dominated by mustard and haunted by funky undertones distinctive of hot dogs, makes them stand alone."

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