Biotech Start-up shows acrylamide reductions with special yeast

Junio 30, 2010
Functional Technologies Corp (TSX-V: FEB), a world leader in yeast research and development, today announced initial test results for bread made with its acrylamide-preventing yeast demonstrated reductions of acrylamide of approximately 90%, when compared to bread made with standard commercial baker's yeast. Earlier this year, the company announced it had developed and applied for patents on a new solution that harnessed yeast's natural ability to prevent acrylamide, a known carcinogen formed when starchy foods are baked, fried or toasted. This patent-pending technology has the potential to alleviate a well-recognized and important food safety issue across a variety of widely consumed foods including baked goods, French fries, potato chips, cookies, crackers and baked snacks.

"The results thus far are very positive and should be well received by the baking industry, an industry that is already seeking and testing ways to reduce acrylamide,"said Garth Greenham, President and COO of Functional Technologies. "We will be providing regular updates on the development of this novel technology over the coming months. We anticipate widespread acceptance given yeast's long history of use in the food industry, its cost-effectiveness and with respect to baking applications, its ease of substitution."

Additional tests measured the levels of asparagine, the main precursor to acrylamide, remaining in bread dough after several industry-applicable time intervals. After three hours, in reproducible tests, dough inoculated with Functional's proprietary yeast showed a 99% reduction in asparagine versus an 18.5% reduction for the control dough - that was made using standard commercial bread yeast. This data is consistent with, and supports, the reduction in acrylamide shown in the initial laboratory baking tests. It is well known that yeast consumes asparagine;Functional's breakthrough science speeds up this process by rapidly breaking down asparagine into safe compounds prior to acrylamide formation.

Functional Technologies is currently in discussions with yeast production and food processing companies to accelerate development and commercialization of its acrylamide-reducing yeast solution. Given the potential of numerous food applications and the significant volumes of yeast required, the company expects it will be well served to work with either a global strategic partner or multiple regional partners.

All tests were conducted under controlled conditions at the company's laboratory in Prince Edward Island, Canada. These tests indicate that changes to the bread's taste, texture and flavour are not expected, however the company cautions that additional research, product development, trials under industry-relevant conditions and regulatory approvals are required prior to product commercialization.

Acrylamide is a Group 2A carcinogen formed when starchy foods are baked, fried or toasted. Recognized globally and by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a food safety issue since 2002, acrylamide has been found in many widely consumed foods, including bread, cookies, crackers, baby food, breakfast cereal, French fries and potato chips. National food safety regulatory bodies and the food industry have been working seriously on this issue for a number of years, looking for optimal solutions.
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