2010 potato Crop Progress in the United Kingdom

Goodbye British Potato Council, hello Potato Council Limited

Potato Council

Below you find an excerpt of "Potato Weekly", by the Potato Council. This crop update, published on August 2, provides insight on the harvest and development of the potato production in the United Kingdom:

Total early crop clearance to 31st July remained ahead of last year at 8,450 ha, compared with 7,052 ha, movement also increased at 246,456 (29 t/ha), compared with 230,021 ha (33 t/ha).

Most crops are looking healthy and growing well and recent lighter but patchy rain has helped development. Early indications are that maincrop tuber numbers are higher than last year, in some cases by up to 75%. However, size and yield in many crops is around half, compared with the same date last year. Some Estima and Melody are reported to have low baker content, but many Harmony and early planted Marfona have good size tubers. Common scab is widespread this season, even in some irrigated crops.

In Cornwall and South West crops still require more rain, although for some crops it is too late where signs of premature senescence is already taking place. Yields vary considerably in the region and common scab is widespread. More crops are being burnt off for set skin production.

In the West and Midlands recent rain has benefited crop growth, although some early planted crops which were deprived of water at a vital time have poor yields. The current estimated range is from 28-44 t/ha, compared with 40-52 t/ha last year. Tuber counts are high and health of most crops is good, although there are instances of blackleg and common scab reported.

In Lincolnshire light localised showers fell last week with ground conditions still therefore very dry.
Some maincrop are already showing signs of early senescence. Bulking is slow even in irrigated crops.
Yield estimates are from 30 t/ha in non-irrigated crops up to 46 t/ha in irrigated fields. This compares with 38 and 42-56 t/ha respectively last year.

In Suffolk and Essex heavy but localised showers, some up to 30mm, were recorded last week. The region, however, remains very dry. Yields are below average with current estimates from 30 t/ha, up to 45 t/ha for irrigated Ware crops, compared with 32 up to 40-58 t/ha last year.

In Yorkshire yields and baker content are improving but below the seasonal average from 32-45 t/ha.
Some growers are still delaying harvesting due to lack of tuber size.

In Scotland lifting is continued in Ayrshire on a light scale, mainly Carlingford for salads.
Yields are increasing but only slowly with salads now 30-35 t/ha, whilst Marfona remain at 50 t/ha and M Piper 40 t/ha. Further crops of Marfona are being burnt down to provide set skin
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