Petrol-Contaminated Potatoes Provoke Nationwide Products Recall in Denmark

Enero 18, 2008
Danish Crown's subsidiary Tulip Food Company has had to recall a number of products from its frozen meal range due to some risk that the potatoes contained within them may have been contaminated with petrol, local media report.
The potatoes used by Tulip Food in its ready meals come from Flensted A/S, a company which finds itself at the centre of a nationwide recall.

Fødevaresytrelsen, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, has issued a general recall order applying to a wide range of products which were manufactured between 8 November 2007 and 3 January 2008 using potatoes supplied by Flensted.

Customers were advised not to consume any potato-containing food produced between the above mentioned dates and sold under a range of brands including Flensted, but also Coop, McCain, Eismann and LambWeston, and to discard any incriminated products or return them to the stores where they were purchased.
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