Ishida: Do not copy our multihead weighers

Ishida multihead weigher at Interpack
Abril 29, 2008

Multihead weigher manufacturer Ishida has filed an injunction with the Regional Court of Dusseldorf, Germany, against a number of Chinese exhibitors.

At the Interpack trade fair in Dusseldorf, Germany, Ishida has begun a legal challenge against the exhibiting of multihead weighers that infringe its patents The company yesterday filed an injunction with the Regional Court of Dusseldorf against a number of Chinese exhibitors.

The machines concerned are multihead weighers exhibited by the Chinese companies;High Dream, Jinyi and Saimo. These companies have been prevented from exhibiting the infringing machines at Interpack. The multihead weighers have had to be removed from the stands or covered up immediately, Ishida engineers had discovered the illegal use of patented elements of Ishida multihead weighers as they toured the various stands on the eve of the fair.

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